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iPhone 4


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Got mine and any/all ill-will from the 3G software issue is forgotten. grin

Even on my 3G's best day, the speed of this A4 processor is just crazy fast.

Antenna seems to even pick up better back in our shop than on the 3G.

Now to test the battery life. smile

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Yes Sled, the battery life is huge compared to how my 3G was before it was sent to the big on-line auction in the sky.

I have a detailed review typed up and will submit. One "con" I have is that my boss got a bogus 4. It's being replaced ASAP. I do not want to give my review away before some time rolls by, but it is, dude! Five stars. smile

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If you are into computers and geek stuff, I mean how can you not love the 4. I find this phone cooler everyday. I figured it was the same thing as the 3G, but it is way beyond this:

Here is a very crude video of how quick this A4 processor is really is. At first I will be playing a first person shooter game, which is a total knock off of MW2, my gamertag is Shackbash for multi-player. Then I will show you how quick it is to stream live video on the 3G network. Plus also some basic opening and closing of apps that my 3G lagged on.:

The video game goes more fluid if you do not have a video camera in between you and the iPhone.

When it comes to the iPhone series, I will bail to a BB if needed. I had my doubts about this phone and a sour taste in my mouth after the 3G/4.0 iOS upgrade (which a fix I guess is coming out in weeks for).

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Just nitpicking here but it's an iPhone 4, not an iPhone 4G. 4G implies it is capable of using a 4G network, which the iPhone 4 cannot do.

Samsung's new processor is also quite a bit faster than the A4, so as of this moment the Epic 4G (or any Galaxy S line phone) is the fastest for smartphones. Soon to be overtaken by the HTC Glacier though I'm sure.

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You guys and your smart phone envy. grin

which the iPhone 4 cannot do.

Correction though Nick. The iPhone 4 can run on a 4G network, it's just AT&T that does not offer a 4G network.

You are correct. After 1G, 2G, 3G, then 4, I guess it is out of habit that I call it 4G. I corrected it for ya. grin

As far as the A4 goes, pretty much every third party review called it a draw between either the Epic or S series against the 4.

As far as LH is concerned, I Ipone does rank right in with the S line:

Click Here

PC World:


They pretty much run the same Samsung processor. wink If one is truly faster than the other, we are talking milliseconds.

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I have to agree with Shack on this one. The iPhone is a very good phone. Top 3 since it has been released. Others may match it in speed, and options, but with all the apps, and how easily it can be updated to add software, I rate it #1 or 2. There is a reason other phones are always compared to the iPhone !

Now ATT sucks, but that is not Apples fault.

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The processor may be the same, but the code execution found in Android 2.2 (note it was likely tested in 2.1) will make noticeably faster. Also note that it's not just a processor, it's a SoC (system on chip) so the graphics is essentially part of the processor, and the graphics processing is much faster on the Galaxy S line.

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Bold statement for someone supporting a phone that can't multitask (though it does give the illusion that it actually can). The biggest plus the iPhone 4 has is the UI and the app market. Given the way each company accepts apps it's only a matter of time before Android catches and then exceeds the Apple app store. UI is all user preference. At this point in time most people prefer the iPhones simplicity. However Android is far more flexible, and those who really know what they are doing can customize it to almost no end (which is why the technically savvy prefer it). You could reskin an Android phone with the iPhone 4 UI if you really wanted to.

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(which is why the technically savvy prefer it)

Actually out of the hand full of 4.0 vs 2.2 and others, the reviewer would bring up the skinning but say in the end the a couple chose the iPhone for various reasons. You can skin an iphone, but you have to jailbreak to do it. These are web sites that do not have iphone blog or 2.1 in their address name either. I stay away from the Steve Jobs is a god or the devil sites or Android hate or lover sites.

Pink, purple or Mount Rushmoore or what ever, skinning and changing the home page any more than I can now IMO who cares. I can change the wall paper to a preset or image. I can position my apps to where I like them. Do I need to weird it out? If I do I will do so, just do not feel it is needed for me.

Some apps seem to actually stay up and running, but some need the .5 to 1 second to reload, but put you back right to where you were at. Before you had to start the app. over, Weather Bug for example, and go threw all them menus to get back to the daily forecast break down. No with in the time it takes to tap the App icon, I am back to the same page I left off.

What ever you want to call, multitasking or what ever, it works for me. smile

I run a Microsoft OS PC and have no issues with communicating between the Apple iPhone and my Toshiba laptop other than copyright concerns with music and videos. Apple is pretty stringent on that. Plus to sync everything and transfer, it is free and it does all the work for you after an easy set-up. Someone who just bought an iPhone for the first time and has a laptop PC could have their phone connected, Itunes downloaded, and synced with almost no effort besides waiting and a hand full of clicks. I am sure Apple had to go the extra to figure this out, because we all know Microsoft did not had them the key and said "Here ya go bud".

Hook an Android up to a Mac, the last I heard was you need You-Tube, credit card for third party software, and a ton of trial and error. This might have changed since then.

I have been researching Verizon upgradeable smart phones for my son the last week. He is getting a smart phone now. It seems every smart phone has issues of some kind. I am pushing for the Droid X (2), but he has another one he likes.

I will say iPhone 4 has its fair share of blogs, posts and article out their. I got lucky because I have not had these issues. I still cringe when using Safari, but even Safari on the iPhone has improved. Create a post while on HSO, get a call, Google something, check another app, come back and what you typed is still their. Before it was lost.

When I got my old 3G, the first month I was blown away coming from an Motorola i580 (Sprint/Nextel). Soon I started to realize (before iOS 3.0) some basic features my i58 non smart phone had were not included. Then there was the iOS 4.0 3G saga that rendered the 3G useless for me and my fellow co-workers up did upgrade. So, I am not committed to the iPhone. If you handed me the same 3G i got new back in 2009 today, I would be selling it on an acution site to get todays Roids. laugh

Like I said, I will switch if it is needed, but for now and but for now the world is perfect once again with a smartphone on my side. grin Pls my work pays for it, so I am stuck with it. I even pushed for the Storm a year and half ago to be on Verizon. I was out voted.

I just do not fall into the (IMO Silly) my phone is better than your phone thing. IMO they are all so close, its hard to actually compare them unless you break out the microscope or film their actions at 10,000 frames per second.

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completely agree. I could rave about my Iphone but I'm sure the other phone is just as good, maybe even better. The only thing that I can say is: there are a TON of accessories that and Iphone/Ipod can hook up to. I find this super handy.

On the other hand, I think some cell phones are coming out w/ HD outputs for your TVs? I think we'll see phones become a 'portable hard drive' to carry all of your movies/music anywhere you want in next year or two. Apple's 16g, 32g drives are going to suck when that happens. My Iphone 16g is full from music alone, no room for movies.

that being said, I love my Iphone. and I'm no Apple fanboy, all PCs in my house

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