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Used cell phones

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Thinking about getting a used smart phone until I decide which new phone I want, since that market is changing so rapidly. More choices coming out by Christmas.

Other than the obvious, is there anything to watch for when buying a used cell phone? Since it has already been activated how do you switch it over to become yours?

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I have yet to buy a used phone myself but one of my freinds used to do that all the time and had good luck with it. He was a huge palm fan and as soon as a new phone was out he bought whatever the previous hot model was for next to nothing. He finally gave up on that after getting a pre and now has a new evo but I bet if he had found a used one he would have gone for it.

I think that he just met whomever he was buying the phone from at the sprint store and had it all switched over then. That way there is no finding out later that the phone is a paperweight cause its hot.

Personally I have yet to need a used phone as I just ride out the new every two but I almost pulled the trigger on a used Droid last December but I made myself wait till January till I got it for free.

Right now is as good time to look with all the new stuff out. People are looking to recoup some of the costs of the new phones they got by selling their old ones.

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To me it makes no sense at all. You'll be paying an absurd amount to gain nothing other than having a no contract clause. Take a look at what they are going for on the net and you'll understand. No warranty or insurance either unless the phone is new depending on which carrier you're with. So unless it's a great deal and the perp will meet you at the carrier and you actually hook up the phone to see if it's legit and works I wouldn't do it. You'd be better off getting a new phone and returning it with-in 30 days IMO.

On a side note you can get a FREE Pizza through the end of month at any Little Caesars for ANY old Cell phone you have with there recycling program they have going on.

3 down 3 to go for me...LOL!

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I sell my old phones on the internet all the time.

Sometimes the people will ask for the EIN so they can check with Verizon (my carrier) to make sure the phone is legit, most of the time not.

Usually I'll get about $50 / phone, but a couple have brought close to $300.

Better than the free pizza. grin

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I don't buy new phones unless they are giving them to me for free or heavily heavily discounted.

For most people and in most cases the "insurance" with the monthly rates and deductibles from your service provider is a borderline scam. Google it.

I pick up a decent phone when signing the contract and inevitably I will soak it or break it long before I am due for an upgrade. $75-100 on internet auction sites and I am back in business, as compared to several hundred at the t-mobile store and re-upping of the contract.

Never had a "bad" phone come off of that internet auction site.

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I'm very hard on my phones, usually going through about 3 / year with work.

Insurance will replace the first one, and if you argue, will usually replace a second one.

I can't be without a phone for more than a day, so alot of times when I break a phone, I'll head into a corporate owned Verizon outlet, buy the new phone, and then make an insurance claim on the old phone and sell that replacement.

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That's a good way to go in your case but the Newer smart phone Droid market is insanely high. You are not going to touch a Droid for under 250 unless you get LUCKY and they go for as high as 450.

You are right... besides not being able to afford the data plan, I can't afford / don't see the point spending that much on something that will probably break or swim with 4 months later. Even with insurance.

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I am going on almost two years with my Iphone 3G and it works fine. What will kill a smart phone in the majority of cases I know of is an operating software upgrade. grin

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