dogs Posted October 1, 2009 Share Posted October 1, 2009 Matt: your story of taking your kid along, reminds me of once when I had my boy ( 3 years old) with me walking an old trail and I pulled a double on partridge. I looked down at the boy and said what do think of that? ( just a busting my buttons)He replied" I thinks who beats who, superman or spiderman. Pretty muchs put this whole thread in perspective. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
natalie Posted October 1, 2009 Share Posted October 1, 2009 Here is my two cents.. I live in Silver Bay and first of all we PROMOTE people coming up with wheelers. We have thousands of mile to travel and your not doing it on foot.. Second, we have trails we walk, we have trails we take our wheeler, and we have trails we take trucks on. It all depends on where you wanna go. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fishroger Posted October 1, 2009 Share Posted October 1, 2009 I think we beat up this subject enough, lets bury it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Northdrifter08 Posted October 1, 2009 Share Posted October 1, 2009 I want a take on the issue of what the 4 wheelers are doing to the trails and habitat..and the ethics of most of the 4 wheelers.... I use to walk a trail N. of Two Harbors (near London Crossing) that was an excellent grouse trail... It had a diverse forest with everything from gravel to clover on the trail... I loved walking the couples miles of trail... Then one fall I arrived to a trail rutted up and no way to walk it anymore... This was part of the State Trail also... I've been back one more time and it was even worse so I have never returned to that trail..I can't say I have never used a 4 wheeler in hunting grouse but it has been only a few times and I did enjoy walking much better... I did also respect the trails I was on and the other people who were also hunting... If I came upon someone walking a trail I would turn around since they were they're first... This seems to be a common problem among 4 wheeler traffic... They think they own the trails... fly right on by the walker... I know 4 wheelers are forever going to be used to hunt, and not all of the people who use them are lazy, but I had to put my two cents in... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Musky Buck Posted October 1, 2009 Share Posted October 1, 2009 All I know for sure is my grandfather's with arthritis and other debilitating things just kept walking, maybe not as far each year to year but the experience of the hunt meant most to them, but to each there own, if an ATV gives a person the satisfaction of a good hunt then so be it. Times change. Etc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dave S Posted October 1, 2009 Share Posted October 1, 2009 This hasn't been brought up yet, which I'm surprised. So here's a little FYI to the guys who prefer to walk and have been passed on the trail by "ATV Riders":ATV Riders must stop and shut down their machine when they encounter "Non-Motorized" trail users until the non-motorized users have passed or are waved on.So any ATV Rider/Grouse hunter who passes someone on foot without being waved on, is breaking the law. I'm not saying to go out and start a confrontation with these people, but if there is a registration plate on the back of the machine, get the number and submit it to the local CO. Depending on the actions of the ATV Rider, hunter harassment might also be a consideration.After researching it a little more, it appears that some of the working ahs changed, but they must still yield the right of way to non-motorized trail users. PAGE 18 TOPIC:TRAIL RIDING Second to the last bullet point. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BucksnDucks Posted October 1, 2009 Share Posted October 1, 2009 Ok heres one for everyone to spin around on now. Whats ur take on the new un-cased law regarding transporting firearms on atv's? I for 1 use an atv to pursue grouse, and feel not one bit bad about it. It is not the only way I hunt them, but as was stated earlier, whats the sense of walking miles and miles of area that are void of grouse. I dont have all the free time in the world to waste on areas of no grouse, so the wheeler helps me harvest birds jus like guys with great dogs, or better knowledge of grouse habitiat. Im not a biologist, jus a guy who likes to hunt. I use the resources that I have available to me. No different the way I see it. I was under the understanding that the reason ppl chose to walk for grouse instead of ride was to get away from the crowds and ppl, but yet there the very same ones who refuse to get off the trail and bust brush, like sum claim they are doing. Kinda hard to have a gripe about a guy putzn down a logging road lookn for a bird, if ur not on the very same trail as he is! All im sayn is theres alot more woods full of grouse than jus where the atv trail leads ya! If ur a walker u should have no problem getn there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augusta Posted October 1, 2009 Share Posted October 1, 2009 This hasn't been brought up yet, which I'm surprised. So here's a little FYI to the guys who prefer to walk and have been passed on the trail by "ATV Riders":ATV Riders must stop and shut down their machine when they encounter "Non-Motorized" trail users until the non-motorized users have passed or are waved on.So any ATV Rider/Grouse hunter who passes someone on foot without being waved on, is breaking the law. I'm not saying to go out and start a confrontation with these people, but if there is a registration plate on the back of the machine, get the number and submit it to the local CO. Depending on the actions of the ATV Rider, hunter harassment might also be a consideration.After researching it a little more, it appears that some of the working ahs changed, but they must still yield the right of way to non-motorized trail users. PAGE 18 TOPIC:TRAIL RIDING Second to the last bullet point. Lep, they are referring to "horses" in that segment. An Atv'er does have to yield right of way to a "non motorized" trail user, but only has to shut down or be waved on by a person on a horse. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Musky Buck Posted October 1, 2009 Share Posted October 1, 2009 I am so old school, don't like the noise, don't like the ruts, but have no problem with someone if an ATV is "needed". Our society is so lazy now aday, is that why so many bait illegally, why so many litter the woods and lakes, etc. But, don't worry about me I've quit grouse hunting and everyone in my family has given it up as well, maybe we're just getting lazy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shack Posted October 1, 2009 Share Posted October 1, 2009 In the end, no matter if I agree or disagree with something, as long as it is legal and done legally, I have to live with/accept it Grouse hunting involving an ATV is perfectly legal and I do not see it changing "ever". (IMO) if anything is unethical, it is this so called outdoors-man's article Just too bad many try and turn fellow sportsman against each other. I think maybe he is moonlighting for PETA? Kind of like a "start at the core" type thing and hope the group separates, which makes it easier to start plucking this and that away. Yep I agree this topic is dead. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dave S Posted October 1, 2009 Share Posted October 1, 2009 Lep, they are referring to "horses" in that segment. An Atv'er does have to yield right of way to a "non motorized" trail user, but only has to shut down or be waved on by a person on a horse. I caught that after I originally posted my last response, hence the reason I posted the link to the regs and my edit. Still, I'm glad you clarified that. Thanks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trashguy Posted October 1, 2009 Share Posted October 1, 2009 I am so old school, don't like the noise, don't like the ruts, but have no problem with someone if an ATV is "needed". Our society is so lazy now aday, is that why so many bait illegally, why so many litter the woods and lakes, etc. But, don't worry about me I've quit grouse hunting and everyone in my family has given it up as well, maybe we're just getting lazy. I agree with you 1000% Musky Buck. BucknDucks says: "I was under the understanding that the reason ppl chose to walk for grouse instead of ride was to get away from the crowds and ppl, but yet there the very same ones who refuse to get off the trail and bust brush, like sum claim they are doing. Kinda hard to have a gripe about a guy putzn down a logging road lookn for a bird, if ur not on the very same trail as he is! All im sayn is theres alot more woods full of grouse than jus where the atv trail leads ya! If ur a walker u should have no problem getn there." Well as fore mentioned I walk with a cane and am legally disabled. I cannot "bust brush" and have a hell of a time just walking down a logging road/trail. So busting brush is not an option. I know that I am not the only one that is disabled, but still prefers to walk for grouse if they still can. What bothers me the most about some of the replies from the ATV users in this thread are basically saying that you hunt the way you want and I will hunt the way I want. Well that is my main grip, I can't hunt the way I want anymore. Guess I will give it up shortly also, like many walkers already have. Too bad. Also my question earlier in this thread, I didn't see any replies saying they would turn around. That syncs with my real world experiences. & this topic is not dead and won't be until all the walkers are too. Trashguy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mixxedbagg Posted October 2, 2009 Share Posted October 2, 2009 [PoorWordUsage] and not at all "hunting". Any [PoorWordUsage] could do it--like fishing with dynamite. When I'm walking the trails, I don't even waste my time waving to the ATV grouse killers. Fortunately, there are some nonmotorized areas around where I can be lonely...though the habitat doesn't seem to be as good. Nothing worse than some clown rolling past you on a wheeler and blasting a bird 200' ahead of you. As far as I'm concerned, guys shooting birds from ATVs look bad, aren't hunting, and are just rednecks in need of some excercise. I saw at least 2 dozen guys with guns and orange last weekend and only 2 were on foot....the rest in pickups driving slowly or on ATVs--pathetic. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mixxedbagg Posted October 2, 2009 Share Posted October 2, 2009 with 2 major atv manuf. in the state I dont think they would allow that to happen Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dave S Posted October 2, 2009 Share Posted October 2, 2009 IMO it's poor ethics to pass someone only to shoot a bird a couple hundred feet infront of him, but not against the law as long as the ATV is being used legally.My dad cannot walk long distances and has given up deer hunting but not ice fishing. Since his mobility is limited, he bought a Rhino for the hard water season. Should he be chastised because he can beat the neighbor walking on foot to a hot bite on the lake? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CRAZYEYES Posted October 2, 2009 Share Posted October 2, 2009 I just got back from hunting up near The I Falls and Orr area since opener. I have been out in the woods every day and the amount of road hunting going on is down right sad. I bet four or five times I have seen vehicles pulled over or stopped in the middle of a major forest road with the car doors open and out chasing road birds. This is not hunting! Just yesterday I was walking the Arrowhead state trail near Ash river. It clearly states at the beginning of the trail that no atv are allowed but yet hear comes some guy on his machine with his over under on the rack cracked open and ready to go and a bird bungge corded to the front. He stopped and talked to me and the arrogance of this guy was just disgusting. First he told me that he got one and the bird was a dumb one that never moved out of the road and that he never had to get off the machine for this dumb bird. I then tried to tell him that there are no atv's allowed on this road and that this is the state snowmobiling trail. He told me that there were other 4 wheeler tracks tgoing around the gate like this somehow made it alright for him to do it too as well as telling me that Lloyd don't care referring to Lloyd Steen the local game warden. So I decied to walk back into the woods on another trail nearby and although my vehicle was parked at the end of this small road I got ten minuites down the trail and here comes this same sob. He stopped again and asked me how hunting was. I asked him if he saw my vehicle parked at the end of the road and he said yeah but he can hunt it too. While this maybe true I NEVER walk in behind other hunters out of common courtesy as well as its kind of a safety issue. All I can say is its time to ban theese machines on public lands and grouse hunting as well as make these guys put the guns back in the case while on the machine. And I did talk to Lloyd Steen, he wrote 11 tickets opening day involving ATV / grouse hunting issues and he does care about hunters on the state trail. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mixxedbagg Posted October 2, 2009 Share Posted October 2, 2009 LEP7MM, I don't think people on this thread are getting down on people with actual limited mobility (which I can confidently say is NOT the norm out there) or using ATVs for things like ice fishing. I don't think ATVs used for ice fishing have much of an effect on the fish population or the quality of the fishing for other people out there. The same can't be said for ""hunting"" from an ATV. ATV and road ""hunting"" is becoming the typical, and in my opinion, unethical way to take grouse. If we can have laws banning things like fishing with 2 lines, why not make this unfair advantage that adversely impacts others illegal? You can't just motor around a lake shooting ducks. Shooting grouse from an ATV is no more "hunting" than running them over with your car. And I think it's laughable that the few ATV grouse shooting advocates throw around "elitist" and "LLBean" garbage. Fact is, the ATV shooting crowd has more dough wrapped up in grouse killing (truck, trailer, ATVs, ATV mount gun case, etc) than any walker . I've seen ATV grousing slobs pass me on ATVs worth as much as all of my outdoor gear combined. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chef Posted October 2, 2009 Share Posted October 2, 2009 Ok heres one for everyone to spin around on now. Whats ur take on the new un-cased law regarding transporting firearms on atv's? I for 1 use an atv to pursue grouse, and feel not one bit bad about it. It is not the only way I hunt them, but as was stated earlier, whats the sense of walking miles and miles of area that are void of grouse. I dont have all the free time in the world to waste on areas of no grouse, so the wheeler helps me harvest birds jus like guys with great dogs, or better knowledge of grouse habitiat. Im not a biologist, jus a guy who likes to hunt. I use the resources that I have available to me. No different the way I see it. I was under the understanding that the reason ppl chose to walk for grouse instead of ride was to get away from the crowds and ppl, but yet there the very same ones who refuse to get off the trail and bust brush, like sum claim they are doing. Kinda hard to have a gripe about a guy putzn down a logging road lookn for a bird, if ur not on the very same trail as he is! All im sayn is theres alot more woods full of grouse than jus where the atv trail leads ya! If ur a walker u should have no problem getn there. Herein lies the justification for using anything (an atv in this case) that will speed up your pleasure-seeking pursuits?Man, I must be getting old because this post really hits home for me. You're not entitled to use trails and an atv then tell a walker they have to get off the trail find their game, sorry. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wdgold Posted October 2, 2009 Share Posted October 2, 2009 I tend to side with dogs on this one. Although I no longer own an ATV, I still enjoy the time spent riding. As long as someone is traveling on the ATV legally and abiding by the laws set forth for grouse hunting, what's the issue? There is no group in this country that is so elite that they should be able to dictate how a person reaches their destination as long as it's done lawfully. Sometimes the critiquing of how to do everthing the right way becomes so overkill, that when the time comes a group needs to "Police Themselves", there becomes a division too great to overcome. Leave it to the Strib to print another anti-ATV article. I agree with you to a point. I don't hunt from an ATV and like you said I don't mind as long as they are obeying the law. For me ATV hunters need to use some common sense and courtesy. I think it is unethical to be going down trails where people are parked and walking down that trail especially when you ride down the trail and pass the walker, that to me is idiotic and you have no respect for other outdoorsman. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BucksnDucks Posted October 2, 2009 Share Posted October 2, 2009 I would like to clarify better what I said before. I in no way, hunt grouse "from" my atv. I simply use it to get areas, that are perfectly legal for me and my atv to be in, to attempt to harvest a grouse on foot. If I were to see others vechiles or some other form of letting me know that they are in a certain area, I would avoid that particular area all together. I like the peace and sense of easyness, knowing jus like everyone else out in the woods, that Im alone and dont have to be bothered by others at that time in my pursuit of game. So to answer your question, no I would not come ripping by you and pound a grouse on the trail 200 yds ahead of you! Im not to say that hey if I seen a grouse off of the trail on my way to my intended destination, that I wouldnt park the atv and walk this new area over abit. Its still perfectly legal to do that isnt it? Some ppl get so greedy over game thinkin every game animal in the area they are huntin is all theres and no one elses. Its kind of like sayn if I went by a bird and didnt notice it, does that mean it still belongs to me cuz I went by it first, and now nobody is allowed to pursue it? Ive went by enuf birds and never seen them, only to come back 5 minutes later and whatu know there they are, both on foot and riding. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Matt Breuer Posted October 2, 2009 Share Posted October 2, 2009 mixxedbagg, I love how you clump all of the ATV riders into the "redneck" cluster. Have you read your own posts?Everyone's pointing fingers and thinking they're correct, but the truth of the matter is, we all pee on the lid in one bathroom or another. Don't point fingers and call "bad" unless you self-examine first... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shack Posted October 2, 2009 Share Posted October 2, 2009 I completely agree with Dennis Anderson on this one. With the exception of truly disabled hunters which are justified, blasting grouse from an ATV is lazy as and not at all "hunting". Any [PoorWordUsage] could do it--like fishing with dynamite. When I'm walking the trails, I don't even waste my time waving to the ATV grouse killers. Fortunately, there are some nonmotorized areas around where I can be lonely...though the habitat doesn't seem to be as good. Nothing worse than some clown rolling past you on a wheeler and blasting a bird 200' ahead of you. As far as I'm concerned, guys shooting birds from ATVs look bad, aren't hunting, and are just rednecks in need of some excercise. I saw at least 2 dozen guys with guns and orange last weekend and only 2 were on foot....the rest in pickups driving slowly or on ATVs--pathetic. That is the big difference that I think many people who do not know what legal Grouse hunting with an ATV means. Maybe the law changed this (have not read up on it), but when I hunted from an ATV, YOU DID NOT DISCHARGE/LOAD A FIREARM ON OR UNDER THE LEGAL DISTANCE FROM THE MOTORIZED VEHICLE! YOU DID NOT RUN OVER BIRDS< YOU GOT OFF WHEN ONE WAS SEEN AND GO IN THE WOODS! I think we are talking about two different situations here. One is law-abiding and the other is lawbreaking. IMO ATV hunting for grouse is more about being out on an ATV than it is about hunting. Mixxedbag I would wave to you if I where I on an ATV and passed you by. That (IMO) is being a good sportsman. Treating/showing a law-abiding, fellow sportsman with respect is what separates myself from anti-hunters. To me it would be like giving a Bronx salute to a fellow Vikings fan who is wearing a Vikes jersey with the wrong number/player on it Maybe I am wrong, but if a fellow sportsman is perfectly legal, but is doing something I personally do not care for, (again IMO) still deserves respect. A person could also ask "what is the difference between walking down (dog or no dog) a trail or idling down the trail with an ATV?" Not much if you ask me, besides the trail walker has a loaded gun ready when a bird is seen. Some of the guys I hunt with take the easy path and stay on the trail, while other guys (my self included) want that rush of being off the trail and flushing a bird in a thicket. The trail walker in my grouse hunting group, tends to be Grandpa, the heavy guy, or the lazy guy. Do I have less respect for them? No. Even a trail walker with a dog. That could bring up a question of ethics You are off the trail, flush a grouse, it flies over the open sky of the trail, and the guy walking the trail shoots a open area flying grouse, is that ethical. IMO yes, but to some, the guy walking the trail just took advantage of a grouse . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crappiekiller77 Posted October 2, 2009 Share Posted October 2, 2009 They should just ban ATV'S for grouse hunting or make more "walking only trails", I totally agree this. With that being said I have hunted off of an atv before and many of us have. I prefer to walk for the most part, I mean that's what it's all about. But when you hunt state land and you have these unethical idiots out there, you have to keep up with the jones' IMO and cover some ground. So many times I have parked my wheeler or truck at the head of a trail and some douche comes flying by as many of have said. So in turn this causes a disadvantage to the guy walking and puts pressure on you to follow suit so to speak. I hunt in the Nemadji state forest and the thing that ticks me off the most is dirt bikes up there. These morons rode them during deer rifle season (talk about dangerous!) a couple years ago until they were banned recently. State land is really a joke these days. Step it up DNR and make more non-wheeler trails or ban hunting from them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crappiekiller77 Posted October 2, 2009 Share Posted October 2, 2009 Oh and LOL at not shooting grouse on the ground. I'll put that easy breast in my freezer anyday, thanks for leaving the ground birds you Daniel Boone's. I appreciate it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shack Posted October 2, 2009 Share Posted October 2, 2009 That's it I am going to write an Article to the Star and Trib. now: Quote: "The Trail Walker" Ethical or Not Ethical? By Shackbash 10.2.2009 Loaded gun in hand, hunting dog bouncing back and forth, a lone "grouse" hunter walks an open logging trail in the northern woods of Minnesota. Is this true grouse hunting or just a lazy hunter looking to pluck off an easy grouse, while not letting his hands get dirty? What happened to the days when getting your hunting vest full of burrs and stickers, a rip or two in your thick canvas pants was considered a badge of honor after a day of grouse hunting? Is grouse hunting vastly becoming a "lazy" mans sport? Are grouse hunters taking advantage of young, unseasoned grouse, while walking "open" logging and recreational trails? In my opinion....... At least I would get some press on the internet web forums Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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