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Lakes You Can't Spear


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I got an idea for the MDAA, how about a know the difference card but with a top veiw. Then explain how to tell the 2 apart. This could come in handy for those new people that start spearing& could save the life of a muskie. WIN WIN!

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I'm not here to kill spearing, but please don't try to say that this stuff doesn't happen. The sooner we can all be on the same page and stop this then the sooner we'll all get along.

Those are very nice fish.

I certainly hope that these fish were reported.

I understand where you are coming from but banning and or restricting spearing is not the solution.

We need to work together to get things done rather than working to divide our groups. We need to come up with viable solutions that allow all sportsmen to enjoy all public waters.

While these cases are sad, it is no different than a rifle season deer hunter claiming that bow hunting should be banned since they see a dead deer in the woods with an arrow in it.

On the flip side it is very cool to know that a fish can survive traumatic injuries such as that.

I have never said that this stuff does not happen, I believe no mater what is done, these things will happen... even if some succeed in banning spearing though out Minnesota. I don't deny that muskies are accidently speared. I don't deny that muskies are not gut hooked via tip ups and other angling. I don't deny that muskies spend time near the surface of the water and are hit with motor boat props. These are all unfortunate instances, I do however think that it is wrong to ban spearing, tip up fishing, or boating on public waters for what may be a very small number of incidents.

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I got an idea for the MDAA, how about a know the difference card but with a top veiw. Then explain how to tell the 2 apart. This could come in handy for those new people that start spearing& could save the life of a muskie. WIN WIN!

That may be the start of a good idea.

I don't know if the MDAA would be interested in doing that, or if that would be the best way to get the word out to the most people, but if you would like to get something like this going I would be happy to cut a hole in a musky lake and set up my darkhouse (without a spear) and take some videos and or photos to share with the DNR to post on their HSOforum. I don't know how long it would take before a musky came through but if we can get someone at the DNR on board I would be willing to provide them with photos. Do you have any contacts at the DNR that could make the web page thing happen?

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I have read that northerns and muskies prefer to forage on fish aprox 25% the size of them.

I therefore accept that a 50lb muskie prefers to forage on a 12.5lb fish. I can accept the fact that that may be a 12.5lb walleye, a "slot sized" northern pike, or a big ole carp.

I don't go around preaching banning of all muskie stocking.

I don't go around preaching banning of all muskie fishing.

I accept and respect your method of enjoying our public waters.

And I guess I am crazy but expect that same respect in return.

There are so many arguments here that parallel the same arguments that come from both sides of the gun control debate.

But I think I would find very few people here that support the banning of guns.

The bottom line is don't expect me to lay down and watch people ban or restrict the sport I enjoy without a fight from me and others in this sport. If anyone was trying to ban or restrict your sport of musky fishing I would expect the same from you. We are all sportsmen and we should all fight to keep our sport alive.

The only restrictions I see anyone putting on the musky fishermen, is trying to restrict them from further damaging the entire sport of fishing, by restricting or banning methods of enjoying the outdoors that they don't agree with.

Yes people it will start with spearing, then move on to tip-up fishing then on and on and on. The privatization of any public resource is not something I could ever agree with. If you want private musky lakes go buy them yourself. Stop sticking your hands out and asking the government to support your privatization of our public resources. The government has enough to support with the bankers and CEO’s nowa days.

If you want to work together to SHARE our public resources I will stand behind you and support you anyway I can. But these attacks on our sport I can not support.

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Thanks for "saying" everything you do Merkman. What I am reading here is what I am thinking, only way better wrote than I am capable of. Thanks.

I for one don't see a muskie vs pike id card being of any use. The difference is startling under the ice. Maybe the id cards would be a feel-good measure to appease folks who haven't seen a muskie under the ice? Of the 4 muskie sightings I have had this year, sure I started to reach for my spear on each sighting as I naturally do for any movement under the ice, but never actually grasped the spear in my hands while having the muskies under me. Only regret looking back is not getting pics, as those are 4 of my top memories from this year.

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I got an idea for the MDAA, how about a know the difference card but with a top veiw. Then explain how to tell the 2 apart. This could come in handy for those new people that start spearing& could save the life of a muskie. WIN WIN!

If this is true, these people knew what they were doing. A card isn't going to make a difference. It is easy to tell the difference especially on a fish that big. They poached it.. plain and simple. [Note from admin: Please read forum policy before posting again. Thank you.]

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The DNR will tell you that muskies are the most expensive fish to raise and stock.

I'm not sure if they are the most expensive fish but here are some numbers.

Source: Muskies Inc.

Muskys Inc: Why Release Muskies? Page 2

applying a dollar cost to rear a 10” muskie at $5.90 each

To grow one (1) 10” stocked muskie to 30” means stocking 10.63 10”muskies.

$62.71 per fish

To grow one 40” muskie it requires 38.514 10” muskies.

$227.23 per fish

To get one 50” muskie takes over 500 10” muskies.

$2,950 per fish

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Source: Muskies Inc.

Why Sttock Muskiies? Page 1 B.

"when introduced into new waters, successful

spawning of stocked muskies is rare. This fact is

supported by research and decades of welldocumented

stocking information. Most of the

muskies present are the survivors of stocking

efforts. Fishing pressure and natural mortality

deplete these numbers and periodic stocking is

the only way to maintain the muskie fishery."

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You know a lot of people say that nothing comes out of these discussions/arguments.

But I just have to congratulate dcmusky and Shawn Kellett, because of them I have just reached into my bank account and found another $100 that I will donate to the MDAA at the yearly banquet.

The attitudes against spearing specifically and public sharing of resources in general have refocused the importance of supporting those who fight for us.

So when you see me with a big smile on my face handing over a crisp $100 bill to the MDAA at the banquet you will know I am doing that in the name of Muskies Inc and all the other elitists who wish to tear down our sport.

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I have not speared on any lakes with muskies in them, but I do like to try different lakes. I would like to see pictures sede by side comparing the two. It would make me feel more confident that I would't actually spear a muskie.

It's nice to see that the ones that got speared survived (to bad they got speared), makes me wonder what the suvivablility is. Could this explain why diver didn't find dead fish?

Maybe some of us spearers that spear on muskie lakes should invite a musky guy out into the spearhouse. This might make muskie guys see the difference from the top and put them more at ease. They could also bring a rod and try to catch a muskie if it should come into the hole. Get people together and make a winwin situation!

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I have not speared on any lakes with muskies in them, but I do like to try different lakes. I would like to see pictures sede by side comparing the two. It would make me feel more confident that I would't actually spear a muskie.

It's nice to see that the ones that got speared survived (to bad they got speared), makes me wonder what the suvivablility is. Could this explain why diver didn't find dead fish?

Maybe some of us spearers that spear on muskie lakes should invite a musky guy out into the spearhouse. This might make muskie guys see the difference from the top and put them more at ease. They could also bring a rod and try to catch a muskie if it should come into the hole. Get people together and make a winwin situation!

Except for the part that the muskies may be out of season. Targeting a species out of season would be illegal.

Im all for the idea of bringing a muskie guy into my shanty. Great idea

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Thanks for "saying" everything you do Merkman. What I am reading here is what I am thinking, only way better wrote than I am capable of. Thanks

Merkman you should be a spokesperson for the voice of spearing you do have a way with words.

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I have not speared on any lakes with muskies in them, but I do like to try different lakes. I would like to see pictures sede by side comparing the two. It would make me feel more confident that I would't actually spear a muskie.

It's nice to see that the ones that got speared survived (to bad they got speared), makes me wonder what the suvivablility is. Could this explain why diver didn't find dead fish?

Maybe some of us spearers that spear on muskie lakes should invite a musky guy out into the spearhouse. This might make muskie guys see the difference from the top and put them more at ease. They could also bring a rod and try to catch a muskie if it should come into the hole. Get people together and make a winwin situation!

I try to take alot of photos in the house, and next time i see a muskie, ill try and take a photo of it. They come through fast, so its hard to get photos!

Im sure others will do the same, to try and get photos of one another!

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Except for the part that the muskies may be out of season. Targeting a species out of season would be illegal.

Shows my ignorance. I didn't know muskie season was different than northerns. Still wuld be fun to look at them!

Don't muskies stop and check out a decoy like northerns do? If not does'nt seem like there would be much of an opprotunity to poach them with a spear.

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Originally Posted By: Jameson
Thanks for "saying" everything you do Merkman. What I am reading here is what I am thinking, only way better wrote than I am capable of. Thanks

Merkman you should be a spokesperson for the voice of spearing you do have a way with words.

Yeah, I am getting a little wound up tight on this one.

It just bugs the heck out of a guy.

Why do people think that they can make someone who broke 1 law obey that law by making 10 other laws that only affect the people who follow laws anyway.

Poachers and people doing other illegal activities don't give a darn if they break one law or ten.

I agree with getting the muskie guys into the spearhouses.

Education on both sides is the key to this thing.

A lot of this comes from the fact that the 1% of radicals on both sides provide 99% of the chatter.

What really needs to happen is the level headed thinkers from both camps need to sit down with the DNR and really hash this stuff out.

It amazes me how many freedoms we can lose in America if we don't take the time to sit down and see what is really going on.

It really amazes me to know that fellow sportsmen are the ones trying to take those freedoms.

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Originally Posted By: Long-range plan for muskellunge and large northern pike
Currently 116 waters (including Lake of the Woods) are managed for muskellunge and hybrid (tiger) muskellunge totaling about 790,000 acres (Appendix A), which represents about 35% of accessible lake acreage in Minnesota. Of these, 95 are managed as pure strain waters, and 21 waters are managed with hybrid muskellunge in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area

This is what is needed also

Good facts from established sources.

Good Job Jameson

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I would love to see where I stated I was anti-spearing, I didn't, just think pike could use protection on some waters& the DNR should be able to use thier judgement to do so Mr anti-muskie. Yours & SC's inabillity to comprimise shows your true colors. as far as cost goes MI has stocked many lakes with there own $$. I thought the longrange plan was an excellent comprimise between pike & muskie interests but the "pike interests" act like the perverbiable 2 yr old pounding & kicking on the floor.

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Yeah, I am getting a little wound up tight on this one.

It just bugs the heck out of a guy.

Why do people think that they can make someone who broke 1 law obey that law by making 10 other laws that only affect the people who follow laws anyway.

Poachers and people doing other illegal activities don't give a darn if they break one law or ten.

I agree with getting the muskie guys into the spearhouses.

Education on both sides is the key to this thing.

A lot of this comes from the fact that the 1% of radicals on both sides provide 99% of the chatter.

What really needs to happen is the level headed thinkers from both camps need to sit down with the DNR and really hash this stuff out.

It amazes me how many freedoms we can lose in America if we don't take the time to sit down and see what is really going on.

It really amazes me to know that fellow sportsmen are the ones trying to take those freedoms.

Poachers are poachers it doesn't matter by what form.

I think we understand each other pretty well, I have some good friends that spear and I gotta say it makes for some LOL moments, the net is B.S. since we can misinterpret ourselves and others with a comma or a abbreviation.

One thing I wish we could work on is trust, I have no problem with people spearing as long as they fallow the law same as anyone.

Trust is hard to gain with legislation like has been spewing around the last couple years.

My fear is one of you will con your legislator into pushing a bill allowing the spearing of Muskie, Walleye and Bass.

This is my most legitimate fear, what is a spearfishermans fear and what is the basis?.

I worry about the guys that have listened for 3 years that Ive been involved with esox issues being told time and time again that the slots work and allowing 1 fish in the slot will nullify the reg, then they say the DNR is working for us or its our way to stop spearing.

They repeat time and time again just the opposite of what they hear about our intent and the information from the DNR, they tell their constituents B.S. (such as the long range plan info) and then they write to all of you about it in a newsletter full of 1/2 truths and all out lies, not their fault mind you, they are just writing what they have been told, someones version of the truth they want you to hear.

I have never had a secret discussion with the DNR about banning or adding lakes and none of the guys fighting for muskies have either.

I have never had a legislator put a bill in to hamper or stop spearing and I will never do it or condone it, I wish your leadership representing you would try to work with us instead of going down that road but all they want is to spear the 26 Muskie lakes and remove the slots.

Don't you have enough lakes to spear? roughly 7000.

I will meet with anyone at anytime to stop this [PoorWordUsage] but you have to know I will not agree with taking away the slot lakes because its been proven to work in restoring pike size, I wont agree to damage the resource.

I would actually like to get out and sit in a dark house with someone, I think we should do a trade take one of us in the darkhouse for a day and we'll get you in the boat Muskie fishing in the summer. I bet 99.999% of us have more in common than most would have you believe.

Fishing, Hunting, eating fish, Deer, Bear, Birds, Beer, Women, Whiskey, Family's, Friends and unfortunately work.

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I'll take you spearing. I have a spot where we'll have a good chance of seeing a muskie. It's a lot of fun to watch them through the ice.

I'll shoot you an email and we'll figure out a time.

Huey aka Chris Cochran

Ps Might not be until next year, the spearing season ends next wknd.

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I got out today. South and West of you.

Had a huge northern take off with my only live decoy about 15 minutes into the day. cry After that I used my black box twister. It pulled in some nice bullheads, a couple nice bluegills, and an absolutely HUGE bass. No more northerns though.

Did you get to use the green hornet today?

I was thinking we need a traveling "King of teh Nords" trophy for the Get-2-Gators. I'll donate a decoy for it, if you could put it on some sort of plaque or stand. Your way more talented than me.

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Yes, big "P". I had heard a good report from a buddy at work. It's not a secret for guy's in that area. Judging from all the sticks in the ice, looked like there's been a lot of spearing out there this year.

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