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HSO Team # 7...............STRUT ZONE


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Jackpine Jr (Y)



Papa Grump

Hello team mates. Let's throw some names out to pick from. Spur Collectors, Long Beards, Team Kill Zone, Full Strut,???

I will be hunting 440-E in MN. Don't know if I will make the SD and NE trips this year.

Good luck to ALL.

Safe Hunting and Lets Have Fun.


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hey there Dan. Looks like we are hunting the same time . I'll be in zone 338.

Full Strut sounds pretty good

how about PUT'n & STRUT'n

I'll try to think up some more when I'm bored at work


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Hey Dan/Brian

I'll be hunting after both of you, 339-F in MN and Zone 19 May 14-18 in Wisconsin.

I like the sound of PUT'n and STRUT'n or Full Strut.

Doing some scouting this weekend hopefully I can post a pic of a big tom I have been seeing.


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nightcrawler here,

a no draw in Minn. ever... Hunted NY state with bro-inlaw last 4 years ,got 2 jakes , 1 hen and 1 tom .$85. lic.gets you four tags-- 2 fall and 2 in the spring .

hunting black hills 10th----16th april

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 Originally Posted By: outfishedagain
I'll be hunting in NE and the late archery this year. Last year the MN season lasted two hours, so i hope it goes the same this year. April 12 i hope to have one down for the team. Good luck and have fun

Where do you hunt in NE?

I've been hunting the Springview area the past 7 or 8 years.


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good luck Nightcrawer!

Just not good timing for a snow storm! My NE Trip is Canceled. so as of right now i'm down to the MN archery season. Its getting frustrating but this is the second time this year. Yet, i'm glad to see someone is going to get out this weekend. Good luck and drive safe.

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You'll need to upload each picture onto a photo hosting site and then copy each photo URL, Click the image hot button at the top of the posting text box and then paste the url in the new window. Repeat for each photo you want to post and then submit you post when you're done.

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OK, my son figured this out. Thursday we drove though the snow storm on the way to the Black Hills, took us and extra 4 hours. We (me, son, daughter-in-law) scouted for birds all day friday. We found what we needed to find and at 9 am I missed and 30 yard shot. At 10:30 am I heard some goobles in the distance and took off for the hills, not relieving that my group was waiting for me back at the meeting spot. SO everyone got the hear me clucking and running chasing my bird. Everyone was exicited because I had 4 Toms gobbling and all side. To make a long story short I called 2 Toms within 15 yards and the group was waiting for me to shoot. When I finally did they all jumped. I walked back to the truck with my Tom with an addience. They told me the story of me running up and down the hills chasing my Tom and shooting.Here is me coming up the hill.


This is my first Merriam


My son and daughter-in-law that evening set up some decoys and within seconds ended up with these two, our first double in our group and my daughter-in-law's first turkey. And yes she got the biggest of the weekend. Of course she always does, even with deer.


Good Luck everyone the rest of the season.


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