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old standby's missed


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been in a few posts here and in reading and writing in them i realized theres a few lures they don't make anymore that i used and i miss the way they produce. fish loved them so much they were all destroyed. so i took the plunge. i went to a popular online auction site and got myself a few lures. about twice the price when they were in stores. got two of the old super shad raps in the sd. sd is the shad. has pearl sides with a dot in the middle, green/blue top, flo-orange strip on bottom. over the years i've lost or had destroyed mabe 15-20 of these. then they stopped making them and i moved on. but darn it i miss em. also won 4 of the original floating storm thin fins in purple/ silver and black and silver. they are another lure i miss like heck. then i saw somehting i forgot about. rapala has a countdown super shad rap. sold i europe only i guess. so i got 2 of them on the way now. should be interesting huh? why the heck don't they sell them here? anyone know? nice deals on rods and reels too. thinking about 1 but i'm gona wait for another i think. gonna feel like a little kid when these lures arrive. can't wait. anyone else miss any lures they stopped making???

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Hiya -

O lord. Long list...

Tops would be the Marathon Musky Hawk. Best muskie buzzbait ever, and nobody's been able to duplicate it. Something about the way the blade worked on that light wire shaft. I have a few left (I prowl hsolist whenever I get paranoid that I'll run out someday and they show up there once in a while).

Stidham's Z-180 is a very close second. Best walk the dog topwater I've found. Caught many, many muskies on them. Down to just a couple left, and they're not the most durable things. Going to cry when my last one buys the farm...

Original Bobbie baits. The new ones just aren't the same. (Bobbie Vander Velden, the creator of the Bobbie, passed away last week, by the way...)

Tek-Neek jerkbaits. The glider before the glider craze, and still one of the best. My last one was demolished years ago.

Original M-9 Gradmas, with the dished lip and the bug eyes. Wow what a twitch bait. Still have a few, only for special occasions, and nowhere near rocks. The lip just couldn't take it.

Heddon Giant Flaptails - great subtle topwater. Slammer made the best version of it since the original, but alas, they're gone too.

Wooden Magic Makers. Yeah, you can get similar versions, but there was really something about some of the first MMs.

Chicka-D bucktails. Fortunately Brian Miller is a good friend and he'll make me some if I really twist his arm, but these are awesome burner bucktails...

Probably more if I thought about it a little. These are just the ones that cause immediate pain \:\(


Rob Kimm

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first let me say i'm shocked about the death of Bobbie Vander Velden. i met him last year at blue ribbon bait and we must have talked for an hour. i was struck by his knowledge and the similarities we had in wooden lure making techniques. even gave me couple different primers and coatings. names i never heard of. gave him the same, lol. i ended up buying 2 bobbies, strong handshake. he seemed pretty spry for an older gentleman. that's really too bad. i hope he did'nt suffer and was givin' time to say good-bye to those he loved.

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 Originally Posted By: cjac
Apparently not a good year for the classic bait makers. Rolf Balansiak, the maker of the Wishmaster baits passed away this year too.

wow. guess i should see if i can get another one then. canada lost another good citizen. too bad. God must be running out of lures huh?? needed two more lure makers.

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