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I have been watching all these shows and in talking to people it seems the in thing is to switch out the regular trebble hooks for red ones. I know rapala even makes lures like that now. I have tried this durring last years season and honestly didnt see much of a difference if at all. Has anyone also tried? If so whats your oppinion.

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I do have a question I caught the largest cat of my life last year. I had a scale that toped at 50lbs it went over! I have a picture and I understand there is a method of finding out how big it really is. Does anyone know how to figure it out?

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It's the old, which color makes a difference in lures. But the biggest difference is how pressured is the water you're fishing on is. In that sometimes, red being an obvious stick out color, you might get a bite hook up instead of just a nose follower. Red colored hooks are market moreso to bass lures than anything else.

I haven't used any red catfish hooks though...LOL's

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I actually have caught probably 15 cats on crankbaits. I get a good hit and think its a really nice smallie or walleye and end up with a 2-3 pound cat. It is fun because they really smack the cranks.

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Caught one on a Zip Lure (As Seen on TV) back in '05. Little guy, caught in the mouth.

This past fall while musky fishing not far from Roch, I caught a cat topwater on a Giant Jackpot. No joke, and it was not snagged. We're talking a 20"ish channel on a 10" huge topwater lure. Hit while walkin the dog. Boil and all. DT, Rugby, and Crazyice were all there to witness.

OK, that's my crazy cat story.

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Catching catfish on cranks happens quite a bit. I've caught many fiesty channels on a little #5 Shad Rap in the Otter Tail...and a fair number of Mudeyes in the Minnesota to boot.

They can smell bait like no other fish but given good visibility, they will smack artificials like no other too!

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In the mississippi North forum, there was a lot of talk about channels on cranks and fly fishing for channels. I think it wass by chance though. Would not target channels with cranks, but it does occur.

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That I agree and it wouldn't be my first go to lure either.

However if somehow you want to humor yourself and challenge a buddy to see who catches the first cat with a crank or spoon, it can be fun time to really test some fine tuning technique. LOL's

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