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A few more from last night...

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Here are a few more shots I took while I was out last night. ISO's from 200 - 800, f7.1 - f10, 30 secs to 1 minute. Played a lot with different settings to see what would look the best. Started taking photos about 8:30 and stayed about until about 9:30.





No artificial light - moon the only light source!

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I love these long night exposures, that first one is really cool. Enough moonlight to make it look almost like day! I used to do alot of these shots with Kodachrome 64 and rewind the shot and make another exposure over that. You got some really nice color shifts with slide film with long exposures. Of course it is so much easier with digital now days.

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#4 is my favorite - beautiful composition and colors - makes me want to get out and try some of those late night shots --- or at least get out and sit under the stars by a warm fire and listen to the water --

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