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The Dells


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Ron- We have only been there once and stayed at the KOA. Though it is a very nice and clean campground, it is located next to railroad tracks. Something they dont mention or warn you about. SEVERAL train during the day AND NIGHT. Very loud.

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My brother used to live in Madtown. We hit Devil's Lake State Park a few times. Its very nice. I've been told campsites mid summer are tough to come by so I'd recommend some reservations.

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We stayed at Sherwood Forest for a week a couple of years ago. It's a nice campground just to the South of all the tourist events. I think we even walked to town one day. We stayed in one of their Camping Cabins and it was clean and comfortable for the 4 of us. It is pretty wooded {da the name} so if you want a nice sunny spot you may have to look around a little. Sure was nice to come back to a cool cabin in the middle of the summer though.

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 Originally Posted By: Moose
We stayed at Sherwood Forest for a week a couple of years ago. It's a nice campground just to the South of all the tourist events. I think we even walked to town one day. We stayed in one of their Camping Cabins and it was clean and comfortable for the 4 of us. It is pretty wooded {da the name} so if you want a nice sunny spot you may have to look around a little. Sure was nice to come back to a cool cabin in the middle of the summer though.

thats one i recommend. whats really nice is its close to Pirates Cove and Timber Falls. If you get up early and want to mini-golf with kids you can completely avoid the crowds and take your time

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