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Recommended Reading


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I recently had time to get some reading done and have found a few books that I would like to recommend that everyone read. Infact I think they should be included in school cirriculums.

The Kite Runner (also recently a movie) and A Thousand Splendid Suns both by Khaled Hosseini. Both are about life in Afghanistan over the last several decades. Even though they are fiction they paint a very accurate picture about the way life was/is in this country. I know I didn't get much education about Afghanistan during the 80's and 90's and these books are real eye openers.

My War; Killing Time in Iraq by Colby Buzzell. A true life account of what it is like to be in a Combat unit in Iraq. For a kid who had no intention of ever being a writer this guy does an incredible job. Warning!!! Swearing is like oxygen in the infantry. It's part of the lifestyle (with very few exceptions in my experience). If you are sensitive to foul language, proceed with caution. Otherwise this is an exceptional book!

Check them out. I hope you enjoy them.

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Lots of schools are using the Kite Runner in their curriculums. I didn't know that a movie was coming out. I myself enjoyed the Kiterunner, but I thought it also samed to lose some of its edge toward the end. Still a worthwhile read.

Here are a few other books that I like:

1. Skeletons of the Zahara - depicts the true survival story of an American who was shipwrecked on the coast of Africa and became a slave to nomadic families.

2. Life of Pi - the second half of the book is incedible. I'll leave it at that.

3. The Haymakers - depicts farmlife in Minnesota, from the 1800's to today. I'm not farm oriented by any means, but this book still kept my attention.

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"A Hunter's Road" - is about a guy and his dog who take 7 monthes off to travel the US and shoot a variety of upland birds. He meets alot of interesting people and look sat a variety of viewpoints about birds and habitat. Makes me anxious to get and chase some birds this fall.

I'm currently reading "One Man's Wilderness" about Richard Proenoke, an old timer who builds a cabin from scratch up in the bush Ak where he stayed for 30 yrs. Someone also made a PBS documentary "Alone in the wilderness" about his life up there and survining on the land.Incredibly self reliant.

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