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The Grebe

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More live matches the 26th of this month on VERSES boys. One of Minnesotas own, Brock Larsen is on the card....he comes to fight, no doubt! Ought to be a good one.

Good main event to, two good fighters, one has the belt and wants to retain it, the other wants to take it from him and they are both heavy hitters....Marshal and Stann.

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I think Stann gets beat, one way or another, The Rhino has more all around talent and unlike some of the fighters Stann has fought, he isn't gonna be afraid of him! This ought to be a good one!

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I sure didn't come close on that one...I didn't realize what a size disparity there was! Spann's 6' 1" made Marshals 5' 10" look small and the both weighed the same, 204 pounds...Spann looked much bigger and that dude can take a punch, no doubt! He sure can give one to, just ask the Rhino!

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The rhino looks like he would be a monster at 185, doesn't look big enough for 205, WEC has some awesome lightweights and bantam weights but they kinda lack talent in the heavier weight classes, I really wanted to see Sonnen pound on Filho again but Filho apperently got hurt.... I think he's ducking this fight

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I seen that last fight and Sonnen was wearing him out at every turn in the road, staggered him a couple of times. Philo didn't look like he had and answer for Sonnens stand up, he was taking a pounding, but once he got Sonnen down, that was that, I think in a rematch, Sonnen, having learned, will step up and work a number on him.

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I think he just got laxed, he was pounding him on the ground and had him forced up against the fence, all he had to worry about was that one arm, well apperently he didn't worry enough grin.gif Filho is a monster on his back, but he's a cocky pos in my opinion, I'd like to see him get pounded on again

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