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Shoot out.....


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Remember as a little kid how fun it was to come down and make a move on a goalie? Apparently the Wild players don't....just rip a shot on arguably one of the best goalies of our generation. Brodeur has been around the block a few times, like 18 years...he can read and stop a shot that comes with no deke move.

Three very lame attempts in the shoot out. Yes, I'm crabby! Langenbrunner scored with....a deke!!!

Am I missing something?

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I agree, Rolston needs to stop taking slapshots all the time, do something different. I would do something different on each breakaway/shootout attempt. I dont like it when they start going near the boards and circle to the slot, kinda easy for goalies to read the play.

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For Rolston it is either the big slapper or he tries a weak backhand and tries to go 5 hole. Seems like every attempt top shelf is wide open. It also seems like guys get to deep and the goalie can poke check it away but you rarely see goalies do that.

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It's just too funny seeing a big wind up slap shot from a supposed 'pro'. These guys are better than that.

Rolston is not one of my favorite players. Personally I think he should be traded, JMO. His big slapper in the shoot out was not a surprise to me.

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I can't remember the last time the wild won a shootout. it seems as though bouchard or nummelin score, but nummelin is always scrathed for the game. we need to just win games outright, or we are dead in the water so to speak.

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His big slapper in the shoot out was not a surprise to me.

Roofer... I'm sure it wasn't a suprise to Brodeur either!!! Exactly my point! Anyone and everyone in the arena knew it was coming....

My "Haider Head Fake" makes me think I should reconsider my career path at 35 years of age and become a shoot-out specialist!

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Am I the only one that would like to see Skoula take a couple scratches and see Nummelin in the lineup with all the shootouts we've been losing lately? A little added offense might help as well with the way they've been failing to put the puck in the net as of late.

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Please no Skoula, he just always seems to play bad. Looks behind him way to much going into corners because hes afraid of getting hit which leads to him losing the puck. I just don't see him being able to do productive in a shoot out. Yea he won that on game in overtime but he hasn't done anything else.

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