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Favorite Sweet Corn?

Fish Toys

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Leave it to the raccoons. You can have a 100 acre field of field corn and have you’re sweet corn in the middle of the field and when you think it’s ready after you’ve been checking it you won’t have cry.gif any. I have a 3 wire electric fence around the whole garden and it works for the coon. The darn deer tho figured out they could walk between the top wire and the next wire down. The bottom wire is just about touching the ground and the second wire is about 4” to 5” above it. The top wire is at the top of the steel posts. This year I’m adding a fourth wire half way between the top wire and second wire.

What do you use to protect you’re garden from the critters?

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Electric fence on the critters. It's handy as the sheep pasture is right next to the garden. No deer trouble here and the raccoons really cackle when they get zapped.

As far as favorite varieties/hybrids: Bodacious for an early corn and Incredible has been my later choice. Usually can get them for free from my seed dealer. Have grown Jackpot and Ambrosia, both good bicolors too but my overall favorite has been Supersweet Jubilee. Hard to believe a commercially grown hybrid can taste that good. Sweet but has a good sweet corn flavor to it as well. After all that, I'm gettin' hungry! grin.gif

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Sad to say sparcebag, I don't sell it. Wish I did sometimes. With my background in agronomy, soils, and IPM, it's fun to play around and tweak with. While we look at thousands of acres of the stuff in farmers fields every year, my own patch can only keep a couple local families supplied with corn on the cob. However, if someone stops in to visit and there's some ripe, I always try to send some home with them, along with any other vegetables that happen to be ready out there.

My good friend and neighbor to the west generally has a couple acres he puts in early (May 1 - 15th) for fresh market sales. He typically will have some ready shortly after July 4th. He was just in here a few minutes ago and his plan now is to plant Bodacious and Incredible. I usually plant mine a few weeks after his, then plant another small plot a couple weeks after that. He comes over and "borrows" some occasionally so that way we both stay regular all summer long. ;\)

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Polka for an early corn,which I get really early by starting 1 flat of 72 inside and transplanting out in 4 rows when about 12 inches tall.

277A Xtra Tender for my main garden.....best tasting sweet corn I've ever had.

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I am definitely going to try Gotta Have It this year. I got a bag full from a friend last year and it was great. It looked old, but it was prime. It freezes very well and is extremely good tasting and a great producer.

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