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I have had a garden for years but I've never planted potatoes. I've heard that Good Friday but I think that is an old wives tale. Does the ground need to be a certain temp before you put the spud seeds in the ground?

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Me and my familiy plant about 150 pounds of potatoes every year...it depends more on the moisture in the ground from the spring thaw than anything...the quicker you get them in the ground the better...we typically shoot for early April...were are you located loosegoose

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 Originally Posted By: loosegoose
I have had a garden for years but I've never planted potatoes. I've heard that Good Friday but I think that is an old wives tale. Does the ground need to be a certain temp before you put the spud seeds in the ground?

Looking outside and seeing how early Easter and Good Friday are this year, I think you're going to have a hard time getting something in the ground.

My dad plants his potatoes when he plants everything else. However, he uses pieces of potatoes, rather than seeds themselves.

Also, they don't get too big, nothing like an Idaho potato, but they're there.

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I've tried to stick with the lunar planting method: If your plants produce above ground you will want to plant in the first or second quarter, preferably close to the time of the new or full moon. Root crops are best planted just after the full moon.

That's generally based on the last frost date. We can have frost up to Memorial weekend.

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