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2008 FM events?


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Deitz or other FM boss persons,

Has there been any thought about a FM event or 2 in 2008? Hopefully it's a go again.

I'd like to suggest Waconia again. I think everyone had a great time there and the fishing was pretty good.


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Hey Fluker,

What exactly did these events consist of in the past? Are they just a fun tournament (no money)? Just wondering because I still haven't gotten involved with any type of organized fishing such as a club or even a tournament.


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They are fun but part of the fun is taking other peoples money. So yes there is money involved. i don't remember what entry fee was if you really wanted to know you could search last years event and find out. i don't think either tourney filled full last year but it was close. More the merrier. i know chuck is a little biased but yeah i would probably vote for waconia too. ike

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Ray and I are in talks... As FM grows it will be harder and harder to keep people involved. There is also the issue of that bill that charges tounaments.. Ray and I are looking into it...

As of right now, I think we are leaning more towards a catch and release "tape" tournament. This way it would be viewd as a 'get-together' not a tournament. As a web page, FM does promote catch and release, and this would stress fish less. I also am talking to ray about having a "half time" to the events where people would discuss how they have done in the first session, and then fish a second session. Maybe have 4 events, some on deep water fisheries, some on shallow and also spead them out in the N, S, W, E metro...


If we do as proposed they would be free events...

Years past I think we had $50 a boat entry...and cut off entry at 15 boats.

We could however have a "Inches" champion, where we could total the inches for all the events...

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There was an entry fee, but it was low. I wanna say in the $40 to $60 range.

My only bias to Waconia would be that it's a great fishery. I believe everyone caught a limit last year, and Ray and partners winning weight was over 20lbs. Fish were caught deep and shallow. On top of that, it wasn't busy and we have a great place to weigh in. Hard to beat that.

I'd love to go to Chisago (Deitz would have to tie one hand behind his back) but that would take away the fun of weighing fish. Minnetonka would also be great, but lots of hassles there. Whatever lake is chosen, I'd like to see atleast one of the two have the opportunity for a big bag. Doesn't have to be Waconia, but that was the reason for my suggestion. I'm definitely not biased based on believing I have an advantage, because as Ike will tell you, we got whooped by the Esbolts last year.

Another thought would be to look at smaller lakes, maybe O'Dowd?

On the note of the Esbolt's winning ways, maybe the only criteria for the lake shoudl be that it's VERY windy. \:\)

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Fluke-- as my post stated I think we are going to go away from a weigh in.. leaning more towards tape tournaments... that way no need for permits and we could go larger than 15 boats, no money..

And if you think wind would knock Ray down... Ray is the best wind angler I have known.. its his love!

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Oh wait, that is right. Ray loves the wind and it's you that hates it! I was mixed up. Guess we'll have to figure out another way to handicap that guy! \:\)

I'd hate to see things go away from a weigh in, but completely understand why.

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Deitz and I, like Deitz said, are kicking around options. I do like the idea of get togethers because there is not a ton of organization and it's pretty relaxed. But, I also like a more traditional event. If the ever changing regulations allow for us to do it, we may.

Handicap me! I do a pretty darn good job of handicapping myself most of the time. For example, I almost boarded a Ranger in the Waconia event that pulled up 25 feet in front of me on a weedline. I carried that guy's boat license number with me all year. Self-induced rage and anger handicapped me that day.

Wind always soothes me during the summer. grin.gif

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Guess I should mention the tournament I put on. "Internet" Buddy Bass Tournament (IBBT). I started it 9 years ago for similar reason of the FM events. A way to put a face with a name. This is a little more of a drive for everyone, but would be a good cabin fever breaker as it's a little over a month away. Would like to invite any of you to join and we'd glad to have you.


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