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Question Re: E-Tec

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Your best choice if you want to use the big motor for trolling is to go with a 4-stroke. IMO the e-tec is a bunch of hype. An opti beats the e-tec in a number of areas... Just my 2 cents.

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If you look at Evinrude's HSOforum you'll find the specs, performance reports and comparisons for the 60hp and all tillers. I have used both the 40 and 60hp tiller E-Tecs and wouldn't hesitate a bit to hang one on my transom. They both trolled down extremely well.

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I bought a new 50hp Etec last year and it sits on the back of my Lund 1650 Explorer. It is a tiller. I love the motor. I back troll 90% of the time I am fishing. Slowing down isn't a problem unless your in fast current, then I just throw the drift sock. I also am amazed at how fuel efficient these units are. They SIP the gas and oil. I had mine programmed for the 100 to 1 oil. That really helps with gas prices being what they are. I spend a week up north with the family every year and I run the boat hard, backtrolling, pulling tubes and skiers. If its light outside, the boat is probably on the water. I didn't even use a tank of fuel last year. I believe it has an 18 gallon tank and when we left, I filled it up and had about 4 gallons left.


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I have found that sometimes "slowing" the motor down is not always the issue. A big motor has a big prop..which should be sized according to you boat/weight.

When that "big" prop moves..lots of water moves..making it tough to slow down in calm water.

That being said..sometimes that big prop is needed. The most common kickers I have seen on 20'+ boats seem to be yamaha "Bigfoots"

With a 60 like you have or are looking at I would think you will be ok except for dead calm.

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