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Moose hunting question

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I plan on applying for moose this year with a buddy, my question is this-

My buddy is in the military, and on the off chance that we get drawn, and he gets shipped out somewhere before the season starts, will I still be able to hunt? I realize that it would be physically impossible to do myself, and would have to get a couple guys to help, but I don't want to lose my once in a lifetime hunt if the other member of my party can't hunt.

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I applied with my wife every year and she's a non-hunter and we got picked for last fall. I basically did a solo hunt. I had a lot of help with advice from some good people who were successful in the same zone I was hunting, as well as another FM'er from Baudette who gave me encouragement and a few tips (he hunts for moose in Canada), and my uncle in Alaska who gave me some good tips. But the 5 days that I hunted were by myself. After the moose was down, a few phone calls down the phone tree and I had some people there to help me pack it out. I stayed in a bunkhouse on the Echo Trail and another guy staying there was doing the same thing as me...he applied with his wife and he was basically hunting solo.

So...in a shorter answer...Yes you can still hunt. Good luck!

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I have not been drawn for the moose hunt and I don't know for sure, but .......

I am pretty sure the whole group is required to hunt together. I had a friend get drawn who applied with just 1 other guy --- the other guy wanted to back out but I think he ended up having to go so the other guy in his party could hunt???

A phone call or email to the DNR would let you know for sure.

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