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How many Guys hunt with there Wives!!

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Im just wondering how many guys are out there that hunt with there wives. I do, and its a great to get out in the woods and enjoy it with her. She has a great time with it, until it comes to gutting the deer, but im just wondering if there is others out there that do it as well!!!

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This last fall was the first time I got my wife in the stand. Last afternoon of the season. She just sat with me to see what it was like, she didnt carry a gun, but says next year she may give it a try.

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My wife used to hunt before I meet her. She used to deer hunt every year. I never deer hunted with her but seen pictures of the deer she has harvestesd. Before I got married to her, I didn't validate one of my search criterias in finding the "perfect one" - being able to gut a deer. I think she is going to go this season - 2008

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I hunt with my wife, what an asset to deer camp she is. She usually makes sure at lest one deer is killed every year, packs our stuff so we don't have to drive an hour + back home to get what i forgot! And more than willing to help with gutting, cutting and is our best dragger! She even has harvested a deer while being pregnant with all three of our children. She is the greatest of hunting partners and is "just one of the "guys"" in deer camp(no having to watch what you say). She's just great!

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My wife has started deer hunting 3 years ago. She is always spotting deer, and she enjoys the outdoors as much as the next guy. This last year she was hunting with her 13 year old son,she spotted 2 deer about 100yds out. After about 30 mins the does gave her son about a 80 yrd board side shot. His first shot and their first deer. She has yet to shoot at a deer but I thinks she is hooked.

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My wife hunts off and on. About 3 times the last 5 years. I'll give you a short little story about her first time out: We were hunting one morning for a couple of hours and seen nothing so I decided to make a drive for her. I told her to sit next to this big pine and watch the ravine in front of her and just be ready, you never know. I get about 3/4 of the way through the drive and I hear a gun shot. I get up to her and she says she missed. I ask where they(buck and a doe) were. She walks about 15 feet away and says right here. I ask what happened and she says she was putzin around with the pine needles and heared a branch snap and looked up to see the deer running in the ravine. The deer ran up the ravine right towards her and she shot to scare the deer from running right in front of her. I couldn't help but chuckle a little at her.

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let me tell ya how my wife hunts:

she gets up real early in the morning to be the first one out.

She has her stuf packed the night before and weapon of choice at the ready

she gets into position waiting for the time to come

When the time comes she rushes for her target letting nothing get in her way

when the prey is secured she quickly prepares it and packs it away so she can get it registered.

once registered she whips out her favorite weapon, the target card, and seals the deal

Her trophy a reciept and a clearnace sticker to show her friends.

I can not complain she can not resist a clearance anymore than i can resist a broadside shot.

Maybe my middle kid will hunt for real. ;\)

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i think its a great time to be able to enjoy it out there in with the wife. Katie has been hunting with me now for 3-4 years, and this last year she didnt shoot anything. So i have a feeling, theres going to be some changes of where she sits next year

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My wife has hunted with me since we got married, last year she shot 3 deer. And yes if it wasnt for her doing the packing, I would be waisting money on buying alot of forgotten stuff. She helps with dragging, hanging cleaning, whatever she can do. I have gutted them for her, but after her shooting 3 last year I told her the next one she gets to do, she slept in the next morning! She is also just one of the hunting party.

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My wife and I hunted together frequently until our daughter was born six years ago. I got to see her shoot her first duck, and she was with me when I shot my first bull elk.

We have gone on several elk hunts together which were most enjoyable. I will never forget how jacked up she was when she shot her first elk.

The last half dozen years we have taken turns going out while the other watches the kid. Now that the daughter will be seven this fall, we will likely start all hunting together, which I look forward to very much.

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My wife hunts as well. Started when we got together. Funny thing is that she is deathly afraid of heights. First year we sat in a stand together and she wouldn't let go of the tree. 2nd year she let go of the tree but was afraid to shoot for fear of falling from the recoil. 3rd year she sat by herself and shot a 6 point from 25 yards out. Gutted it and dragged it herself. Hunted every year since but for last season. She got a fat promotion at work and needed to be there to prove herself. She'll be out again this year she says.

That first season we had a black bear come under our stand. Man she freaked out! Kept telling me to shoot or throw something at it to scare it away. The 3rd day of that season we had a very large female timber wolf come by about 10 yards away. Every hair on my wifes body was standing up. She shook for about 5 hours after that. Funny stuff.

Now she makes sure that she has her camera with her in the stand and manages to snap some incredible pictures of the local wildlife.

She swears up and down that she will get a bigger buck than me this year. We'll see...

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Hey I am the wife and me and Jake do everything together from fishing, shed picking, hunting, to just going out for a run with the dogs. Its like having a best friend wrapped up in the most wonderful guy in the world! This is the deer we got opening day 07', he showed me up got a niner I got an eight


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NICE BUCKS!!! way to go guy's! I used to hunt and fish with my wife and it was the best times we had together.

I think a couple that spends time together in the outdoors should stay together!!!

You guy's make a Great looking couple! And again great bucks!!!

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