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August wedding?

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My wedding is in August, and I have yet to figure out a place to have the ceremony and the reception. I really need to nail down the specifics, any suggestions on a nice outdoor spot for my wedding ceremony/ reception maybe? Hopefully somewhere near eveleth/mt.iron area...

Posted this in the range section as well but i figured I might get some good replies here as well

here's me.. a future mrs. ferkul and Jacob


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Taylors Falls is great. Our wedding photos are on line, e mail me and I will send you the address so you can see what the area looks like. Fairly inexpensive: 3 hr river boat, catered reception for 100 and a hall after for less the 12K

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My suggestion would be to find a place with a pavilion or shelter just in case it rains. We picked the middle of July because when I researched this was the warmest/driest time in our summer. Wherever you chose, a Justice of the Peace can marry you at your location but will cost more.

We got married at our cabin north of Grand Rapids. Our guests could camp in our yard or the campground about 2 miles from the wedding. The weather was perfect! It was casual (no dressing up!) and fun with a buffet and bar in the garage that we decked out. Does any of your family have a nice yard? If I were you I would get a hold of the Laurentian Chamber of Commerce because they have TONS of info! I got a hold of both Deer River and Gr. Rapids Chambers and told them I was getting married in the area and needed accomodations lists for my guests and possible wedding sites. They gave me a huge packet of info! Congratulations Casey and good luck!

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Watch, CMT's show, My Big Red Neck Wedding. I wish that show would have been on when I got married, I would have been more vocal in what we did, rather than taking a back seat to it all. But a lot of their weddings are outdoors and could give you some ideas.

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haha that would be pretty sweet who else is getting married? I just was at the bridal loft and had a few pics taken...

This is my dress, I'm holding the back of it to make it look like

I it fits. I guess they don't make actual small sizes for wedding dresses in va...




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My son-in-law and I were at a lake fishing on day and lo and hehold, the music started playing on shore, we looked over to see what the commotion was. There was a wedding going on at the house. Ge was jealous, because he wasn't my son-in-law yet and he knew my daugher would never let that happen.

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that's what I want is a nice peaceful spot by a lake... but I think I'm getting my grandpa's backyard which overlooks a river and it was a childhood favorite spot so I'm sure it will all work out... who knows bout the money aspect tho! cry.gif

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