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does any one use bare hooks any more


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the reason i ask is for sunnies what size would i need and what style i just thought using hooks would be a little cheaper than jigs at about 1.20 each it gets spendy thanks for youre help

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? not much anymore ! as it takes too much time to rebait the hook when the bite is on . while the bite is on the time it takes to bait the hook , you can catch 2 and maybe 3 more fish . granted the price of jigs are not cheap ! but when you look at the over all pic. you can see the saveings at hand . faster action and no bait to freeze or spill. just my $1.20 worth ? chucker (aka = djwood )

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I almost always use a bare hook when using crappie minnows, I like them to be as free as possible and be able to swim around my sinker with ease. I dont like when the weight of the jig just holds your minnow down and it just wiggles, I am sure this is sometimes what the fish want, but I like my minnow to be lively and swimming around to look as real as possible. But this is for crappies, I dont use minnow for sunnies, and therefor no bare hooks used when sunny fishing.

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Has anybody tried to use a plastic like the nuggie on a plain hook....I would assume this would be a slow drop that would drive the crappies mad.....I never use plain hooks for ice fishing for some reason but I might have to give them a try and do a little experimenting this weekend!

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When the crappies and gills turn super finicky, I break down and use 2 lb test, a #12 or #14 dry fly hook, 1 tiny split shot a foot or more up the line, and either a eurolarve or lately a Berkley Gulp larvae. I'll use a noodle rod or put a spring bobber on the rod. I'll get the bait down at the fish's level or just above them, set the rod on a bucket or chair and just watch the spring bobber. If it even looks funny, I'll set the hook. What's funny is I've caught several spot tail shiner minnows doing this too.


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went out today for about 3 hours for crappies. was using a genz worm on one line and a frosty jig on the other. after about 1 hour of not catching anything i switched both lines to a plane red hook and in the next 2 hours got five 8inch crappies and one 11inch crappie. i would say the red hook paid off today.

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I never use a bare hook for panfish anymore. In fact, during open water you will be hard pressed to find me fishing with live bait. I prefer a jig and a plastic for open water. I never have a slow day when looking for panfish, but I am not sure if I am getting at the bigger sized ones or just the agressive ones.

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