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Anybody having any luck?

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Well has anyone had any success lately? We made 4 sets Saturday afternoon...fresh tracks each time but no critters. Sunday was WAY too windy to go, and it doesn't look like I'll be out again until the following weekend.

Are you guys howling more this time of year? I have been doing more lately, but still do distress first in case there's a fox nearby. Do pup sounds work good this time of year or not 'til later?

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haven't been out for a couple weeks now. I am hoping over easter to get out and call in SE MN. I would keep howling and a distress is really never a bad idea. But I would think it is a little early still for pup sounds.....

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I believe it's a mothers internal instinct to come to a crying pup, no matter what time of year it is. had two different coyotes come into the pup cries/disstress sounds in two different spots. just my opinion.

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That's why I was asking if you guys use them. I've heard they work good this time of year but I didn't know if it would be too early or not. I figure some ki-yi's and high pitched howls would be just as good. Thanks for the advice.

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Talking with a coyote biologist, the average date a coyote has their pups in April 12th. That being said, in a week or two they are going to very difficult to call in. The females will stick around the den and not leave, and the males will just stick around the females.

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Well I finally got the monkey off my back. went out last night for some moon shootin. Just got set up when a pack accross the road started sounding off, so I gave them a sarinade back along with a challange howl. About 20 min later I spotted one comming down the fence line from the road. It finally paused for a second and offered a shot at about 165yrds my .204 sounded off with the follow of a big pop! down it went. I went right to the coyote distress. I didn't see any followers but 20 min. later I had the distressed rodent going on the fox pro and another one came from accross the road. This one tryed to get down wind of the call, it crossed the fence before I could get on it and I then proceeded to rush the shot #$@%&*!! Lets just say I gave it some schoolin on what sound not to come to.

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Glad to hear you got some action still! I missed a nice big male 'yote, which would have been my first, at about 120 yards last Sat. We howled back and forth a few times, and he let out some real long, deep howls and came running in. Didn't sight my new rifle in as good as I wanted to because of time and found out it was a little higher than I thought eek.gif

Learned my lesson the hard way but it was still a blast to finally call a coyote in. Hoping to get out a couple more times before all the snow's gone!

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I have the browning a-bolt .204 with a nikon 4.5x14 I shoot the horanady 32gr. v-max. last year I shot 5 coyotes with it and all had minimal pelt damage well except for one that I hit high in the shoulder this one did have a big hole in it. The one I shot just the other day has no exit hole the v-max comes appart very nice for maximum internal damage. I did pick up some 40 gr. for coyotes to see if there would be any difference but haven't shot them yet. Its hard to switch something that works so good.

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