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Spearing in ND

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I wouldn’t recommend it unless you are a ND resident.

I believe it is illegal for a MN resident to spear in ND.

ND does not welcome anyone to spear from states that do not welcome them to spear as non-residents. (ie Minnesota)

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16. Darkhouse Spear Fishing

Darkhouse spear fishing is legal only from December 1 through February 28 or February 29 (whichever comes latest) of each fishing year. (Exception: Spiritwood Lake - see ** below).

Darkhouse spear fishing is legal for all residents having a valid fishing license and for residents who are under the age of 16. Nonresidents may darkhouse spear fish in North Dakota if the nonresidents state provides the same privilege for residents of North Dakota.

ND Fishing Regs

I think ND is shooting itself in the foot here.

They could have had your $$$'s for fishing, lodging, and eating that weekend instead you will prob spend that weekend in MN.

I think WI allows non resident spearers.

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 Originally Posted By: merkman
I think ND is shooting itself in the foot here.

Perhaps, but so is MN by keeping ND residents from spearing in MN as well.

I'm not turning this into a border war, but it stinks for both sides in my opinion.


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I just wish both states could get along. It makes it hard to hunt and fish when my only brother lives in ND. I guess it boils down to "choose your state, choose your fate"..similar to an ole Navy saying..

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i understand where there all coming from. There is alot of awesome lakes to spear in both states, and i believe that someday, there going to come to a aggrement, where we are going to spear in both states.

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No. ND's law already states: Nonresidents may darkhouse spear fish in North Dakota if the nonresidents state provides the same privilege for residents of North Dakota.

So, it's in MN's hands to allow non-residents to spear here(the two bills I previously mentioned) and then that in turn would open it up for Minnesotans to spear in ND.

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At least they are talking about it this year

HF3678/SF3339 - Dark house fish spearing allowed for nonresidents

SF3339: 03/07/2008-Recommended to pass and re-referred to the Committee on Finance

SF3339: 03/10/2008-Game, Fish and Forestry Division laid over for possible inclusion in the Omnibus Game and Fish Bill

Allows nonresidents to spear.

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