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News tonight 3/2/08


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Patriots are bull-headed.

I will say it right now. I think they will be a somewhere between 7-9 and 9-7 next year. They lost to much on their D and its not the people they should be losing...ie the aging linebackers. Not to mention Stallworth gone and Moss likely next...

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 Originally Posted By: Bass N Spear
ya he got a three year deal. Huge money.

Actually, the Vikings are giving more guaranteed money to Berrian than what Moss signed for. Think about that. Moss' deal is a downright steal for the Pats.

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Thats the difference between MN and alot of other clubs, we are lucky if we can get players to come here, and if they do, we need to overpay them so they dont go elsewhere. If we make it a few years in the playoffs, AP continues being the rushing STUD, and T-Jack developes into a good QB, it wont be so hard for us to get players. They will want to come here, instead of having to bribe them with more money!

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nice call wanderingeyes

thats like what i was saying earlier in a different thread...alot of guys will take less money to play with a team they know have a great chance at the superbowl...especially later in their career.

the vikes are an up and coming team now finally...soon guys will want to play with us when they see we own the nfc north....thanks brett

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