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Anderson Silva

river rat316

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I don't think there is anyone I know that can take him? George St. pierre possibly if he moved up a weight? Rampage if he could move down a weight? Silva is scary good, with every type of fighting other than wrestling?

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If George came up, he would probably be to weak to take Silva, I don't believe Rampage could come down and make the weight, he's not a kid anymore.

Someone new is going to have to come along and believe me, they will, just like Silva came along and made Franklin look like a B grade fighter!

I don't think any of the current crop is going to give the Spider any trouble....thats probably why they brought in Henderson...he's been around the block more then once and he to is getting kind of long in the tooth to be fighting the likes of Silva...I knew he would lose, unless he got danged lucky with a punch, which he didn't.

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