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Electric fry pans

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Does anyone out there have enough experience with different models with electric fry pans to tell me if one is better than another? Or are they pretty much the same now "junk"! When my wife and I first got married that pan lasted for quite a few years and worked well. The last 2 pans that we bought each did not make it a year and didn't work well from the beginning. There are just somethings that we prefer cooking in an EFP.

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My room mate has a Rival EFP and that thing is great. We have never had a problem with it. It is fully submersible, and has a couple of vent openings on the lid. Temp control is pretty good on it too. I use it more often than he does, gotta love some fried chicken. Works really well for pancakes as well. I have had good luck with all of the Rival electrics in the kitchen. Have a couple crockpots, hand mixers, and the EFP and all work to the expectations.

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I agree on the Rival brand. A good product for reasonable ching. When I use my electrics outside, or in the garage, I have an 'Appliance extention cord' from Menards. It's heavy duty, I believe I've seen them up to 12' long (I use a 9') and with my EFP, electric skillet, or my deep-fryer, (one at a time) the cord stays cool. Phred52

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Thanks for the responses I'll have to check the Rival ones. I'm not using it outside so that has not been the problem. The last one was a GE. Bought it labor day 07 and the heat on it does not stay stabal. I gets up to temp and after it does that it cools way down then after a couple of times of doing that you can turn it up to 400 and it barely cooks. Time for a new one. Thanks again for your input.

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