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panfish food


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Been catching alot of crappies with plankton in their mouths, and some sunnies with bloodworms i believe. {not sure because ive never seen one}. What is the best way to try and mimic this food source. Tried alot of hooks waxies and plastics with no luck. Found fish and can stay on them but cant get them to bite with consistant action. Thanks for any help.

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blood red ratso's and shrimpo's have been working recently for me. also pink heads and white boddies. Not sure what sizes you are using, I start out very very small, and then work up. My best bet have been going as small as possible. and be sure you are using light line. while sight fishing, it is easy to see the guy next to me with 4lb test and the same lure gets no action.

light and small has equaled big and fat for me in the last month.

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I agree Muc33,light and small will trigger more big fish then a guy knows,but what is small?

Some guys small is huge to me.

I'm a no meat kinda fisherman.100th oz hair jigs on size 12 hooks is small,some meat fishermen will drop all the way down to a size 16 hook and a small spike.

Crappies and gills do target very small foods and to dial into that type of thinking when deciding on what you want to offer is key in tough bite situations.

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 Originally Posted By: crappiekeith

I'm a no meat kinda fisherman.100th oz hair jigs on size 12 hooks is small,some meat fishermen will drop all the way down to a size 16 hook and a small spike.

I am the same CK, my grandpa taught me to use size 12 or smaller if you can get smaller hook sizes. I won't use anything bigger than size 10 unless the fish are on a feeding frenzy!

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well i had the colors right. I had a small rat finkee by jig and spin. When i get on fish i catch 5 or so right away, then cant get anything to bite again for a long time if at all.

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