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Hi guys. I was feeling a little guilty about posting ugly pictures of florida so I went to the springs today and posted a couple pic's in the photography section. Check em out if you want to. Hope you like them

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I really dont know what I am doing. My sister is a photographer, but I think I like the opinions of people I havent met. I think I would get much more honest critique ya know? And stfcatfish posts some pretty fantastic pictures so I want to know that he and the others have to say. I'm almost embaressed to put my pic's out there with theirs.

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Steve Foss is a seriously awesome photographer! I love ALL his pics (we have his black wolf one framed on the wall-lucky us!) but don't be embarrassed. I saw your flower shots and they are nice too DeeDee. He's really a great guy and is sincerely nice and helpful in a non-judgmental way.

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That was the impression I was getting from him. I just looked at his HSOforum. This guy is great. I wouldnt mind renting him for a day when we go up there. I know "renting" isnt the proper word but either way to spend a day with his knowledge would be fantastic.

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"Honey," he said in a husky voice, "you can rent me any time." grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

Seriously, quit making me blush, you people. My face is always red enough as it is.

And DeeDee, the photography and photo sharing board is meant for photographers of all levels, from the weekend enthusiast to the once-a-summer family reunion clicker to the pro. We all have equal status over there, and don't forget, we all started somewhere.

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ROFLOL, for a minute I felt like the operator on Little House on the Prairie listening in on a private conversations. hehehehehehehehe, oh man that was great!!! DeeDee nice pics! Lisa, I totally pictured you talking with your hands.... you do don't you. all expressive and stuff. hehehehehehe tooo funny!

Steve, you stud!

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do you ever sit here and feel like you can hear someone's voice, even though you may not have ever met them.... maybe just have seen their picture? Maybe I am just feeling the after effects of a "well lets just call it a wild past"????

Tell Jim, I finally replied to his email he sent me at work.

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I always find it funny when I'm reading someone's post and then I look over at their avatar and it's like a dog or a baby (especially those 2) and just sort of crack up because you sorta imagine the avatars talking? Valv's avatar cracks me up because he's sharing great info but it's coming from this serious little babyface avatar!! I can't be the only one who feels this way??!! Maybe I better just head to bed!! hahahahaa \:D\:D This is just getting silly!

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 Originally Posted By: reelemin
DeeDEe - great pics, very cool looking place !!! - where are the gators - \:o

I do plan on finding gators for ya but I really would prefer to be in a boat and not walking around. grin.gif The best place to see them is on the St. Johns River. Since ya'll like game meat so well I should send you up some gator tail.

muc33 - I am so happy my humiliation entertains you. I have to admit when I re-read it this morning I got tickled myself

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DeeDee, just so you know, this has got to be the one post that has given me a "good feeling" on this entire board. Man that just hit me in the perfect spot. I loved it and wish there was more pure stuff like this than some of the "mine is better" banter that sometimes comes out in people. This was just too good. Thank you for that!

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this has got to be the one post that has given me a "good feeling" on this entire board

muc, you don't get the warm and fuzzies down in that SW MN board? I heard that the mod on that board is a dude you don't want to tangle with! He even got a new job here with the Bikers! I'm scared they're going to get my man all brain washed into getting a Harley!! eek.gif\:\/ ha ha Like I have any control with that guy!

We might get a little chatty in here, don't we? Thanks again for posting your warm pics DeeDee-I didn't mean to hijack your post!

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