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New proposed deer regs simplication


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i personally enjoy the all season lisence, and unlike they say, do all three. I do however agree that it is confusing. The rules are so vague about stuff, and at times it is hard to know what is right or wrong. I like the revision idea, it will be a good thing.

On another note new to deer hunting, has anyone used the donation program set up to feed low income familes? I paid the 5 dollars in MN and wisconsin this year, but did not donate a deer. I love the idea of having fun, and then turning it around to help those people put food on the table, without taking it out of the hunters pocket like they were before.

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I guess I'm okay with the proposed changes. I personally like the All-Season license a little better. My guess is that you'll see some of the bowhunters not spend the extra money on the ML license. I probably won't, it conflicts with early ice anyway & then if I have to buy more bonus tags because of it I won't do it. You'll also see some of the non bowhunters that previously have only firearms hunted & didn't want to pay for the All-Season license will start ML hunting.

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I think it might help more young bucks survive in zone 4, instead of only having 2 days to hunt and shooting the first 'brown' that a person sees, you have time to sort thru and find a doe.

Downside to the nine days is more people out slug hunting while pheasant hunting is open. Its not a comfortable feeling hunting the same piece of public land when that redcoat that you see 1/4 mile away is slug hunting. Too many airheads out there that get too excited and just start blasting slugs around. I got caught up in deer drive last year. A couple guys got out of a truck and started walking a one side of a swamp about the same time I started pheasant hunting the other side of the swamp. Them without a dog made me realize in a hurry that they weren't pheasant hunting, and then I started seeing redcoats posted ahead of me!! I turned around and got the heck out of there in a hurry! Too easy for someone to see a deer running and starting blasting away without regard to whats behind it.

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I like the changes, and on another note, I was never asked if I wanted to donate extra money to the venison donation program, I didn't know you could, if I would have been asked, I definately would have.

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