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slot in MN


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TO, I 100% aggree with you. Who needs more than 4 fish in a day? If you are feeding an army go buy fish at the grocery store. I would even make the upper limit 30 inches. I would discourage anyone from taking a big fish out of the water.

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thats great but i have seen alot of ppl this yr keeping the 6 to 8 inchers.they say we drove a long ways we r going to keep everything we get.i think there should be a minimum length.why keep the dinks? go catch some perch and leave the little walleyes alone.

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A 6-10" fish has far fewer eggs/spawning potential than a 15-26" fish. I don't care if they do keep the small ones. Personally, I go for the 13-15" fish for keepers. I only keep one or two fish per trip because I don't need anymore than that. As for the Trophy fish, there is no need to keep them for an actual replica, graphite has become just as realistic.

Slots and rules are only there for the lowest common denominator and the weekend warriors that don't care about the sustainability of our fishing resources. True sportsman/women would never think "me" first, fishery second.

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In general it doesnt hurt a lake biologically speaking to take small fish out of the system. It also in general doesnt hurt biologically speaking to take out large fish according to a SD fisheries guy i spoke with. He told me once over 27-28" they have done their duties as far as spawning goes. But releasing a 27" might be someones 30" down the road.

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