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"Suet Mania" pics


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It actually "really" felt like spring today! :)...the melt seems to be starting somewhat and could really feel the sun's rays on your back...A few images from the Admiral Road today...If I would have been at the feeding station just a half hour earlier, I would have captured some images of a pine marten....a woman from the cities captured some superb images of the marten feeding on the suet! ....no "rare" birdies for me today! cry.gif...here's a few from the station.nothing earth shaking grin.gifbut just fun to get out and enjoy the day!....finally had the good fortune to meet Jay this morning at the morse feeding station,we had a chance to talk for awhile and swap thoughts of the Sax bog and roads in the area...Nice meeting you Jay!

fog was "thick" this morning:



once the fog lifted


a couple"ratty" images of a couple coyotes in a field off of hwy 133 digiscoped at about 500 yards...



downy at the station on admiral







owl avenue deer(notice another deer down the road near the approaching car)taken thru the windshield grin.gif


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Johnny, I take it no boreals showed up? I was going to head back on S. Admiral but went up 7 instead to to see if any grouse where out, or Billy the owl. Neither were found. Oh well, there is always another time.

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I stayed at the station about an hour and a half but no boreals....just gray jays,chickadees,common redpolls,downies,red squirrels and of course the woman photographer from the cities who saw the marten ....she left shortly after I arrived....she did mention that there may have been one boreal chickadee amongst the other chicadees earlier....no one else came by....just me ,the birds and the warm sun for the whole time grin.gif....I took a swing north on hwy 7 also in the thought that I'd maybe see some sharpies but nothing and "ole Billy" wasn't anywhere to be found....

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