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Minnesota River in Jordan


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Me and a buddy of mine do a lot of fishing during the summer out on the minnesota river near jordan. I was wondering when the cats will start to bite out there again. I have never tried fishing for them in the early season. And what would you recommend for bait. Usually we just throw on a big gob of crawlers, or cut shiners. Any info will help. Thanks

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You might want to try posting this in the MN river forum, also

Watch the water temps... 50s for channels and 60s for flats. Thats really the trigger.

Then you need to find locations, which at times can be tricky depending on water levels which are usually high during the early season.

baits..... You got that part covered.

Jordan area and just about anywhere else on the Minnesota river is a good bet.

This years channel class looks to be great.

Keep us posted on how you do.


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I have a boat, but I hate the hassel, much easier just to sit on the shore, and soak up the sun. There are some nice sandy points out there that make for nice camping sites. Plus a pretty consistant gar/catfish/sheephead bite, is always a good thing.

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