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The Mad Mulcher strikes again!

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Great pics! Were you based out of Morson? Just got back Monday. Fished crappies @ hay Friday afternoon. 5 of us got about 60. Had a great meal that nite. Crappies came in all sizes with the biggest being 14".Is it me, or do the medium to small ones taste the best, ummm? Satuday we went with Reuben Gibbens to WFB. Lakers were very active. Landed 5, lost 4. Smallest 10lb, largest 13lbs. Special thanks to mom for the chille Sat. afternoon. Headed back early Sat. to beat the storm. Fished eyes back by Morson with little luck. Sunday we had trouble with a sled. Still got back to Hay for some crappies. There is a road plowed out from somewher, probable Nester. A few cars would drive out, but nobody would fish. One group of four decided to leave the plowed area. By the time they all got unstuck they just left. I got a kick out of their rought, it was between two of us who were about 20 feet apart. Visability was poor coming back from Hay. Gotta thank my Garmin for taking me to the front door.GPS are great, but a person shoudn't be totally dependent on them. Lake was real rough. 20mph max. frozen dtifts.Morson Derby is this weekend, wish I could there. My laker is in the brine as I type. Sorry to ramble on, but works alittle slow and it gives me a chance to pratice my typing. Maybe see you in March MM. WFT

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Hi Hemlock. WFB of course.

Hi Ted. I figured some trout pics would call you out from hiding! Yes we did stay in Morson. It's just the perfect base of operations for ice fishing. We spent 1 day chasing walleyes and we must have caught 70 or so between the 3 of us. It doesn't get any better than that except maybe getting on a really hot bite in March and catching twice that many in 1 day. I'll give you a call today or tomorrow so we can talk a little fishin'.

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Not sure when Mulcher will see your post. Turtle is just fine. Best snow is on the southern and eastern shores, but it's deep. In the open areas, it's all bad, especially Sabaskong and LIttle Traverse.

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A buddy of mine was fishing Whitefish bay. I just got some pictures of his catch. He was up there and caught five species of fish. Walleye, whitefish, northern, laker and a nice musky. I was told the musky was only like 53 inch. He was glad that he had 2 holes drilled side by side and chiseled out in between. otherwise he wouldnt have got it out for a picture. I plan to be up on the 15th for the another derby just out of Morson. should be some pretty good cash prizes. Havent fished up there yet but once this winter for lakers. I had last week off and never did wet a line. But I did manage 800 plus miles on my sled though. Ready for 800 more. My dad told me the open parts of the lake up there are rough and going somewhere in a hurry is out of the question. Wish I was home now, sitting here in a hotel in San Jose but wont be long, come friday morning I will be home. be safe B-dude

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