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FYI, photo op!


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Just in case any of you photographers are looking for a little something different to shoot this time of year, I'll give you a little info. In the last couple of days I saw a group of 5 swans, some goldeneys, and some mallards on the Mississippi River in Cohasset, MN. You'll need to get on US Hwy 2 to get to Cohasset and then go south on County Road 62, to the bridge. The bridge is a block off of the highway and this is where I've been seeing the above waterfowl. Just thought I'd throw it out there for anyone that might be in the area.


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GClark, you probably want to start your own new thread on the photography and photo sharing board with that inquiry. Many have already looked in on this thread and won't look in again, and a new post with the right title will get you the info you need faster. grin.gif

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If you drive along county road 14 they are all over in the fields, only problem here is they are tough to see against the snow. I do see them on hwy 25 bridge crossing the river but not quite in the same numbers. There is a park there where you could get closer though. Other access points to the river here I'm not sure of. Hope this helps.

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