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How secure is your permanent?


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After seeing some cool houses on the Sunday news and getting some decked out shanties in my e-mail, I am wondering how secure a house can be made. Some of these houses look great, but I would never be able to sleep knowing I have a TV, stereo, and other quality items in the shelter when I am not there. Do you guys have a house that is decked out and do you leave it unattended? How do you feel about it's security? I know crooks will break in through anything if they try hard enough. Thoughts and experiences are much appreciated.

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The wife and I drive by ours at least 4 times a day, and always look to see if there are any tracks to it, or if the door is still on! We have a group of houses together and we all look out after each others. I keep one of mine unlocked, so if somebody wants in they can just turn the knob, and fish if they want to. It would save me some time next time I go out. The other is my sleeper and it is decked out, but no problems yet this year!

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We have a good deadbolt and hope that works. Its a skid house so to pull that on and off the lake every time would be a major pain. Not much left in the house really, marine band, cd am/fm no augers, vexi's or cameras. Thats the downside of a skid house. We just hope... Bill

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all i have is a dead bolt 8 x 16 on skids.but i never leave anything in it.i got lots of ppl on lake of the woods that watch over each others houses.if you have curtains on the windows close them before you leave that way no 1 can look inside it and try to break in.i try not to keep it locked up like fort noks.that y way if ppl do decide to break in mine they wont do thta much damage tring to get in.

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i to have a skid house and it has all the toys onit and init. from solar panels to weather station. all of these things are mounted on the outside and secured into studs with full length screws. i have a motion dectector solar charged light on it. and an alarm system installeld with outside entry key panel for the alarm. but i also do not leave any thing init that i would not want to loose. i leave all the curtains open for plain viewing of contents. if they want in they will get into any fishhouse left unatenned on a lake, and i might add without any prejudice. but i am happy to know that things will go boom and lights and sirens will be activated. if they do tamper with mine. but i do also fishevery night and due to this the vandelism and break-ins have not been an issue where i am located. a 12v car alarm system with contact switches and the motion dector mounted on the door work well. ... paul

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I just have a deadbolt on the wheelhouse and the skid house. I had a window broken last week as somebody tried to get into my clearly empty skid house. I already purchased my alarm system with contact switches and motion detectors that will be installed for next year. The main thing is to not keep anything inside that you would want to lose.

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I have an 8x20 wheel house. I leave the door unlocked and the windows uncovered. I have some stuff in there, but nothing that will put me in the poor house if it is taken. I agree with what was already said, if they want in... they will get in, might as well leave it open so hopefully they don't wreck anything.

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