genegodawa Posted February 12, 2008 Share Posted February 12, 2008 Well, guys, you know what I always say?"I dare anyone to live my life" and if that means a week with Windy, we'll just see who's courageous enough.But torture? You want torture?Would you rather be:Sitting on the porch of the cabin on Fri am, your last day of vac, facing Cass and watching it poor rain in buckets for hours knowing you have a few more honeyholes to tryor Sitting on shore on your first day of vac on a beautiful day facing Cass while you wait patiently for the Marina to repair your motor knowing your vac cost just doubled? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Windy City Walleye Hunter Posted February 12, 2008 Share Posted February 12, 2008 Geno,I thought I was the only one. That Friday when I am pulling my boat out of Cass and have to pack to go home is the worst day of the year. I go for two weeks and the time just flies by. And doesn't the ride home seem about twice as long as the ride up there?Windy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
genegodawa Posted February 12, 2008 Share Posted February 12, 2008 Oh yes, the ride home is the longest 11 hours of the year for me....which brings us to another no-brainer, a choice between:the worst two weeks fishing you ever had on Cassorthe best two weeks you ever had at workWindy,one of these years I hope to get two straight weeks on Cass - and I know that still wouldn't be enough! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Windy City Walleye Hunter Posted February 12, 2008 Share Posted February 12, 2008 Do it Geno,It will be the best decision you make. Believe it or not, my wife was the one who suggested it about 5 years ago. We always did the one week trip and one Friday while we were on our way to Teals to pick up the dry ice she says it would be nice to stay for a second week and that the first week just flies by. That's all it took to get my wheels turning. I pointed out to her that the gas bill would be the same as a one week trip and the fishing licenses are for two weeks and that your food bill would be close to the same either in MN or IL, maybe even cheaper. The only added cost would be the cabin (other than our donations to the Palace Casino, LOL). We did it the next year and have not turned back yet. You can really get your fishing patterns down in two weeks and the added fillets are another bonus. It helps a few windy or rainy days when you get blown off Cass to know that you have 12 or 13 days to fish rather than 6. Take the plunge Geno, you won't regret it!Windy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
genegodawa Posted February 12, 2008 Share Posted February 12, 2008 Sorry to get off topic here Calvin....just a few more posts though please?Windy,I know what you mean...over the past 30 years there have been a few times we stayed one extra day and one time we stayed 3 days longer than planned, but planning a two-weeker would be great.This past June was the first time we seriously discussed doing the 2-week trip. But for now still, there are several reasons we only get a week. Mainly not all of us can do 2 - for instance, I gotta be at work the beginning of a month to close the books, then there is school shutdowns to plan around, and then arranging vacs in combination with co-workers to maintain adequate coverage...blah, blah, blah. And cost is another consideration.Guess I'll have to wait 'till retirement - if I live that long.What do you mean about added filets? It is "possession", isn't it?Don't answer that question - as it is only rhetorical. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gotcatfish Posted February 12, 2008 Share Posted February 12, 2008 Quote: If you were submerged in a barrel of vomit up to your neck and somebody was throwing baseballs at your head, would you duck? Somehow I knew i should not have been drinking when I opened this post. I just got snotty milk all over my keboard Dam that hurts!! LOL oh and as long as real men keep wearing pink, I'm all for the bunny suit. Pink was the hot color this morning for gills too Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CALVINIST Posted February 13, 2008 Author Share Posted February 13, 2008 Originally Posted By: genegodawa Sorry to get off topic here Calvin....just a few more posts though please? Yeah, guys are incurable Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Windy City Walleye Hunter Posted February 13, 2008 Share Posted February 13, 2008 Geno,I am an open book, you know I will answer your questions. I did not have sexual relations with that woman...sorry, wrong question LOLReally though, when my wife and I go up the first week we spend about 3 days just by ourselves and I go out with Brian the first day and he puts me on to where the walleyes are biting. Then my wife's parents come up from Florida, usually around Tue or Wed and I fish with my father in law every day for the remaining week and we usually pound them pretty good. I usually have our 4 person limit in the first week and then when the other 20 or so members of our family come up we have a good start on the walleyes. We usually have a huge fish fry near the end of the second week and then we take home what is left. What I meant by the added fillets was that for many years we did not limit out and most people took home 3 or 4 each. For the last 3 years we have managed to send everybody home with their limit of 6. I do not rape the lake and I try to get everybody to stick to Brian's suggested slot of 14-19" when chosing their fish to keep, the perfect eaters. I have heard of guys back in the day that would come in with a 5 gallon bucket of nothing but walleye tails sticking out of the bucket. I knew one guy who used to leave Thur night instead of waiting till Friday because he thought the DNR would not be as likely to stop him on Thur. Thankfully that guy does not come up anymore. He also used to fish with two poles which is also illegal in MN. Brian has really taught me how to respect the lake and the fish that we decide to keep and which ones to let go! Talk to you later my friend.Windy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
genegodawa Posted February 13, 2008 Share Posted February 13, 2008 Yes indeedy Windy, I know we all stick to the rules which is why I said it was a rhetorical question. You'll like my story about going through a roadblock - one of our group was a WSox fan and was wearing a WSox jacket and one of the 4 CO's (who naturally spread us out and each talk to us to see if our stories match) was also a WSox fan (happened near Deer River many years ago) and we were all legal-like and they were ecstatic with us as we drove away while many other cars had their entire cars/boats emptied onto the side of the road for inspection. Now, back to topic with a can't lose:Would you rather,Limit out on your 6 walleyeorLimit out on your 30 rock bassAnd with a can't win:Would you rather,Have a fishing vac week filled with mosquitoesor Have a fishing vac week filled with those tenacious black flies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Windy City Walleye Hunter Posted February 13, 2008 Share Posted February 13, 2008 Geno,I got to pass on the rock bass. I hate those things. They pull like a mother and you think you have a nice walleye on the line and end up looking at that red eyed thing. My grandson did catch one last year that was about 6 oz short of the state record in MN, we weighed the thing and all. We have one guy who stays at Wishbone with us named Harvey and we all save our rock bass and give them to him. He loves them and in return he will fillet our northerns for us. Gets all the "y" bones out and saves most of the meat, plus he does not mind getting slimed by those toothy critters! As for the second choice, it is easy, I will take the mosquitos any day of the week and twice on Sunday. My 100% DEET works great on mosquitos but those biting flies just suck up the DEET and ask me for a beer chaser! LOLWindy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
UdeLakeTom Posted February 13, 2008 Share Posted February 13, 2008 Black files, misquitos and -40 temps are all created by Minnesotans to keep riff-raff out of the state....Bring us you tourist dollars though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
genegodawa Posted February 13, 2008 Share Posted February 13, 2008 None of my tourist dollars in winter, dude, not in winter!-----------Good one on the chaser Windy - but c'mon, 6 walleye over 30 rockies? You ain't a real fishlover I guess.--------Would you rather be,An unarmed man in a battle of witsorA one-legged man in a butt kicking contest Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Windy City Walleye Hunter Posted February 13, 2008 Share Posted February 13, 2008 Or a one-armed man in a row boat!And Geno, you know that the fillets on 6 walleye would blow away those potato chip fillets you get off those rock bass.Windy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
genegodawa Posted February 13, 2008 Share Posted February 13, 2008 I am no connosieur (sp?), I just like quantity. The rockies we keep and eat out of Cass are 3/4 pounders, not potato chips, and when deep fried with batter a couple of them, which taste alot like gillies, will do you just fine along with some fried taters or tater salad.Taste is in the mouth of the beholder, and I rank em: Crappie, Perch, Walleye, NPike (no y-bones), LMB, Rockies/Gills/Sunnies, and then Cats in order of good-eatin'. But this past Sunday I broiled some trout out of the private campground lakes by my sis's place near Dixon, IL for the first time and they were fabulous. Gonna have to get more of those this year - they are delish! Then they will rank up there with walleye I think.Would you rather:Eat a carp or bullheador Go hungry Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Windy City Walleye Hunter Posted February 14, 2008 Share Posted February 14, 2008 Bullhead,As long as it is deep fried and covered in Tabasco!Just givin ya the business Geno on the Rock Bass scene. I got to say in Cass I would go Perch/Walleye tie for first, northern second and nothing in third cause we don't keep anything else! LOLWindy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
genegodawa Posted February 14, 2008 Share Posted February 14, 2008 Awright Windy, so that is what a bullhead is good for? Cutting the taste of tobasco? But really, being a SSide WSox fan, I was sure you would have picked carp! Nyuk, nyuk.Actually, I don't mind bullhead either but they are last on my list, just ahead of carp which I will never knowingly eat no matter what anyone says about getting out the mud vein blah, blah, blah.As to rockies, we get mucho, mucho of them in potato chip size but always hunt for the 3/4 lbers. If only the crappie were that easy to find.Anyways, would you rather:catch 30 fish one day and then none for the rest of the weekorcatch 5 fish every day for a weekPS I heard the WSox re-upped Harrelson I think for 3 years so you must be happy you won't have to change your signature. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
UdeLakeTom Posted February 14, 2008 Share Posted February 14, 2008 Just remember...if you catch bullies under 7 inches, put them on the end of your line and watch how many wallies you will catch. They are the best bait for walleye and nordki's.I'll even share this info with you two. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Windy City Walleye Hunter Posted February 14, 2008 Share Posted February 14, 2008 Yea,I heard they kept the Hawk-A-Roo for another 3 years. I see him all the time at a local steak joint/watering hole tossing back a few and holding court, he is a wild guy. Speaking of wild, my favorite carp story was when I took a buddy out in my boat to Heideke Lake to teach him how to bottom bounce for walleye. We got tired of that after half a day and he wanted to do some casting so we were tossing small cranks towards the rocks on the shoreline and retreiving them back towards the boat for some LMB or white bass. He hooks into a monster and it is bending his pole like mad, he fights this thing for a half hour swearing he has a muskie on the line (not at all out of the question on Heideke). He finally brings in a 6 lb carp that he snagged in the dorsal fin! I nearly wet myself taking his picture with this bloated ugly fish! They are nasty. And no, we did not eat it!Windy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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