Kodiak Posted January 10, 2008 Share Posted January 10, 2008 does anyone run yotes with dogs? I have been doing some reading on it and it sounds really fun...and is interesting. I would love to hear some stories.sounds like some use hounds, some use greyhounds and chase dogs and have a finisher dog with the greyhounds. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
picksbigwagon Posted January 11, 2008 Share Posted January 11, 2008 I have a friend who runs dogs in NE IA. I have never gone, but I know they use trucks, radio's (walkie talkies) and the dogs will run a long time crossing many fences so they make sure they talk to all the farmers in the area before they head out. I believe they take 3-4 vehicles. A couple of the guys have dogs that are soley for hunting coyotes. Sounds to me to be like coon hunting except during the day, and a big deer drive as well. They are successful though. He and his dad do some calling as well, but they prefer to run them with dogs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucky14 Posted January 11, 2008 Share Posted January 11, 2008 We use a Walker and a Black and Tan. Use them mainly to get them out of swamps. Pretty fun to be on the right end of a swamp when the hounds are singing and coming your way Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cooter Posted January 11, 2008 Share Posted January 11, 2008 Its a blast, I've been doing it for about 10 yrs now. Its amazing how long and far some of the chases last - especially with not enough guys or guys like me who can't shoot straight! Then the next yote runs bunny circles in a 5 acre pine plantation. I'll be out tomorrow with this fresh dusting of snow. Most of the time we've had blueticks for cold trailing and pitch in some walkers once jumped. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kodiak Posted January 14, 2008 Author Share Posted January 14, 2008 yeah, sounds real fun! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cooter Posted January 17, 2008 Share Posted January 17, 2008 We had so many fresh tracks on Sat morning it actually hurt us. Dogs couldn't figure out one track from the next, scent everywhere. After cold tracking one track to the next we got one jumped. Had a good chase and several of us did some shooting and missin. I had him dead nut at 150 yrds and that bugger was right in someones front yard! By the time he cleared he had the afterburners on. That yote was easy 10 minutes ahead of the dogs, I had a good time watchin them come through - the young dogs overrunning the track and the old dog figuring it out. Not much scent in the snow Sat, a couple pretty good dogs that looked aweful slow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
David Kasten Posted January 28, 2008 Share Posted January 28, 2008 blueticks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cooter Posted February 7, 2008 Share Posted February 7, 2008 Gonna hit er again this Sat, dogs should be in better shape this go around - fun to kill a yote early in the chase but those all day runs are fun too! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
huntingmaxima Posted February 7, 2008 Share Posted February 7, 2008 We ran dogs yesterday and got 2 coyote out of three. today we got 2 reds. there is no harder shot than a red running wide open at 250-300 yrds. it is like trying to hit a tube of summer sausage, the rest is all fur. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IceHawk Posted February 7, 2008 Share Posted February 7, 2008 We shot 2 on Tuesday with the hounds. Tough day on the dogs we had some smart yotes that gave the dogs some good workouts. We sure good use a fresh dusting of snow! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IceHawk Posted February 8, 2008 Share Posted February 8, 2008 2 more dogs and one Red yesterday. Ran a total of 4 yotes the 2 others made it through the fireing lines. Tough tracking conditions dogs had a hard time but once they jumped them the chase was on! We are getting some new powder now but unfortunately the winds are comeing and the temps are going to drop. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shirts Posted February 8, 2008 Share Posted February 8, 2008 What kind of dogs are you running. Do the dogs catch the scent or do you put them on fresh tracks. I have never ran with hounds for coon or coyote but it sounds like a blast. One last thing, what kind of cover are you concentrating on.Thanks,Shirts Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cooter Posted February 8, 2008 Share Posted February 8, 2008 The crew was out today, don't know how they did as some of us have to work Snowing pretty good right now - think we'll give it a try in the morning and try to get some killin in before noon and the nasty, windy junk. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IceHawk Posted February 9, 2008 Share Posted February 9, 2008 We run Blueticks and Walkers. We usally look for fresh tracks to put them on and alow them to cold track until they jump one! But if the conditions aren't right we bring in a couple jump dogs and just walk areas out and hope to jump one. Some of the local farmers etc will call when they spot a coyote and this makes it real simple as we just bring the hounds to the area the yote was spotted put dogs on track and pow game on! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
roosterslayer Posted February 9, 2008 Share Posted February 9, 2008 since i have never seen it in action, running the dogs that is. i am somewhat curious. i may have to try and find a club or someone and see if i can tag along. at least it sounds kinda fun Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cooter Posted February 13, 2008 Share Posted February 13, 2008 Later report but on Sat we had two very fresh tracks at daybreak and were about to put down when we got a call that a guy had 4 of em playing around behind his barn half an hour ago. Headed over there and had a real nice chase, bout 3 hours and shot a big male. We went back to try cold trailing one of the other tracks(didn't look for kick out tracks, probably should have) but it had been snowing and blowing and we said heck with it. Good call, right about then the wind kicked in and the temps dropped. Burgers and beer at Coyote Carole's Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
David Kasten Posted February 15, 2008 Share Posted February 15, 2008 Wouldnt waste the time out with a pack of dogs that couldnt kill the yote on their own.. Not enough patients to wait ALL day on a 350 yd running shot? Seems to me a good running walker outa be able to run a track and get one going faster then all day. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
huntingmaxima Posted February 16, 2008 Share Posted February 16, 2008 Not with the snow conditions we have been haveing. They loose the dogs in the open feilds. I do not know where you hunt but we have not had to take a 350 yrd shot yet this year. We shot 5 yotes and 2 red this week and did not have one over 200yrds. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cooter Posted February 19, 2008 Share Posted February 19, 2008 Likewise on the snow conditions. The guys cold trailed on Sat and never got anything going. Sun we ran into a kid who had just shot at one and missed. I walked a dog in there and while he took it, it was much slower going than it should have been for an hour old track. He lost it about an hour later and by then with the wind and snow it was too late to go back and try starting it again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cooter Posted February 26, 2008 Share Posted February 26, 2008 Had the good kind of report Sat morning - a farmer had seen one at daybreak. Ran him longer than we should have, dogs had tough time taking the track across a big field. Guys did some shooting and missing. While this is going on, a guy spots a yote fartin around in a field off the highway. He only has a shotgun so the race was on to get there first with a rifle and scope - I won! That bugger was out about 400 but I let rip with the mini and although I couldn't tell, a couple guys with binocs said I just about turned him from the unleaded to the leaded variety.We're ready to call it a day at about 4pm - we're all leaving when on guy spots 2 yotes out in a field, in the same section we ran in the morning. He had fresh dogs and we convinced him to put down. Some impressive dogs, they ran the one yote for a little over an hour and had him bayed up. I was the first on in and I was bout 50 yrds from the brush pile when he bailed out. Some more running, more shooting and missing, and pretty soon it was dark - spent another 45 min collecting the dogs. A fun day, way too much exercise in all that snow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cooter Posted February 28, 2008 Share Posted February 28, 2008 Snowing right now!!! Sounds like 1-4" my neck of the woods. Sat morning should be prime, chance of snow with wind tomorrow....Fri night/Sat morning them yotes should be all over Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cooter Posted March 5, 2008 Share Posted March 5, 2008 Fun day Sat for sure...cold trailed for about an hour and then the barking picked up. I drove around the section and immediately spotted a yote out in the field. About 600yards, I didn't even bother with the gun, he sat and listened to the dogs then boogied. Chased him for about 2 hours, had some shooting but realized it was a kick out. I also spotted another out in a big field - so we had one going plus the whereabouts of two others. The one we were chasing went south a couple sections and finally went right between a couple farm buildings. We didn't have permission so grabbed the dog - in talking to the farmer it would have been OK but we didn't want to push it so put down on the kickout we had shooting at. We ran him for an hour and did some shooting and missing - he finally beelined for a major highway and while two of us tried and he nearly ran underneath the trucks, he got across and was in no mans land. I poked at him twice right befor he made the timber. Fun day, boy were the turkeys out! We're having fun but not killing as many as we should be. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IceHawk Posted March 7, 2008 Share Posted March 7, 2008 We happened to get 2 yesterday. The fresh snow really helped it's about time! We went out at sunrise looking for sign in the fresh snow and we found hat we wanted too. Three sets of tracks we liked all in seperate sections. We dropped the best jump dog (bluetick) and a 1 1/2 yr old walker pup on the first set. It took a while (huge cattail swamp) but as usal the old Bluetick got it up and game on. What was the most impressive is how the young pup handled nice barks and alot of hunt in this young female. This is going to be a good yote hound. 1 time they had the yote bayed ( stood it's ground)and the young pup didn't back down a bit! It was nice to see how aggressive this pup was. It was a long run as it was a smart yote circled a few times and 1 of the guys gave it a load of 223 end of story. 2nd took took us for a long run big old male that think we have chased before. We put the fast running walkers (3) on this boy as we new he would give us a long run and he did. Well he finally made a mistake this time as we finally got ahead of him in the big tamarak swamp. He was met with a dose of 00 Buck! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cooter Posted March 18, 2008 Share Posted March 18, 2008 Couple pics from Feb: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cooter Posted March 21, 2008 Share Posted March 21, 2008 Got snow? Gonna giv 'er one last time tomorrow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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