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Shrinkage of mounts


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I saw a stringer of nice crappies and was told some were 15 inchers, but on the wall they didn't look nearly that big and the fellow that caught them said they had shrunk after the skin dried-has anyone else seen this (or was it a fish tale) and if so, how much can a 15" crappie or 30" wallleye shrink over time? I'd much rather let one go and get a reproduction made especially if this is common.

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I have one fish mounted and it definitely isn't the length of the fish after I landed it. For awhile I questioned if it was truly my fish.

I learned my lesson and now stick to taking high quality photographs. Pictures that could be blown up and framed if need be.

That is, when I remember to bring the camera along!!lol Oooh how many fish have gone by with out there picture being taken!!!

Keep the rods bendin'!!!
Jim W

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I had a smallmouth done and it was definitely shorter then when I sent it in. I was told that it's possible for the skin to shrink especially if it is freezer bound for a while. I'm going with replicas from now on I think. Still looks good on the wall though.

Good Fishin, Matt.

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I have a number of fish on my wall and some of the mounts are getting older. It is true that some fish mounts will shrink, but it won't be dramatic. Maybe an inch on the length at most. The girth won't shrink. Once the skin is on the form, it does shrink when it dries, but to the size of the form. That's why it is critical the taxidermist uses a form that is the exact size of the girth when the fish is taken in. The main shrinkage is in the fins and the tail. Thus, the reason the fish is a tad shorter when you get it back. There really isn't anything the taxidermist can do to my knowledge to prevent the tails and fins from shrinking a little bit. The size of the fish also makes a difference. A 30" walleye will shrink more than an 11" bluegill. They might come back 29.25" and 10.5". Everything is relative.

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Is the point that when the fish is mounted it shrinks from it's original catch size? Or that it shrinks after it has been mounted and on the wall?

I think it's the first one.

Anyone could go and have a 32" Walleye replica made and say they caught it. Maybe that's a good way to build a reputation for a guide service.

"Hey folks, check all these monsters my customers have caught"....Right, and they gave the fish to the guide too...mmm hmmm...


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