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Fight Night Live


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Saturday night on spike TV is the ultimate fighter season finale fight along with some other good fights. Roger Huerta and Clay Guida fighting should be action packed. I think Mack Danzig has the upper hand in the fight for the ultimate fighter, but I don't count Tommy Spears out. He could get lucky with a big right. I believe they start at 8pm.

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It wasn't to bad of a card....I had the offer to go out and watch Mayweather/Hatton and chose to watch the UFC instead.

As good as Mayweather is, I can't stand him...didn't mind his old man when he fought, but I don't like the kid. I liked Hatton from jump street, but I knew he was outclassed being in there with a bigger fighter, one thats probably the best at his weight. But, I digress, back to UFC.

Spears didn't last to long with Mac, the experience and overall background really showed, I mean, he made it look easy against the bigger, stronger fighter.

On two occassions, I thought two separate fights were over, one was with War Machine, when he was all bloodied up on his back on the deck in the last round and the second one was when Huerta took that wicked right to the face from Guida, it crumpled him and knocked him right down. I think that Guida could have finished him if he wouldn't have been so enthusiastic! All in all, I thought it was an alright night of fights for free!

Hey, who do you think is gonna get kayoed Liddel, Silva? I think Vanderlay is gonna eat Chucks lunch and put him to sleep, whaddayathink?

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The war machine j-rock fight was awesome! Huerta and guida was pretty sweet as well. Tommy speer got completly dominated by that dork danzig wich sucks because I really wanted to see the minnesota boy pull off the upset. As far as wanderlei and lidell goes, I would have to pick chuck. It is hard for me to believe he could loose three in a row, and besides rampage non of the pride guys have done jack squat in the ufc.

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I say Chuck gets beat by Silva. Keith Jardine beat him, he is definately going to need to step up his game. The Huerta vs Guida fight was one of the best fights I have ever seen IMO! The 155 lb division is the best action of them all. Brock Lesnar is fighting Frank Mir on Feb. 2nd. Who is gonna win that one?

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I always root for the home boys, I wanted Spears to win, but size and strength will only take you so far, a fighter has to have other tools as well....he didn't have the tools and Mac exposed him.

I haven't heard much about Mir, I know he was a fighter at some point, but isn't he the announcer on some of the matches?

He's been out of the fight game for awhile, hasn't he? Well, if that is the case, I guess big Brock has a chance, being new to MMA fighting...that ought to be interesting?

Hey there are somemore free MMA fights on Wed. night, Faber, Pulver, A wild man named Rhino, and one other that escapes me right now. Time for some morning coffee!

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Are the free fights on Spike? They sound interesting. frank Mir is an x champion after he broke Tim Silvia's arm in their fight. Lost the belt due to a motorcycle crash that put him out of fighting for awhile. He has fought a couple fights since and lost a couple and as well as won.Alot of MN men in the UFC which is good to see.

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Fights are free! Yeah, Larsen, Lesner, Huerta, Spears and I'm sure there are quite afew more. Minnesota is well represented. There is a couple of female fighters also. One we seen at a match at the Target center a few years back and that girl was TTTTOOUUUGGGHHH! Husky, and cute, really easy on the eyes and could really fight.

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I thought the fights were good saturday night as well. Kinda disappointed that Mac was able to take down tommy so fast and easily. That was the end for Tommy. Huerta was getting beat and made a good comeback to win, same thing with War machine.

I think chuck will be in trouble against Silva. He needs to be patient and let Silva make an error rather than trying to be too aggressive and take him out right away.

How did Forest get the chance to fight Rampage Jackson after the next ultimate fighter series? Isn't Jackson the champ? Those two being coaches look interesting as well.

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I have to believe that Rampage is gonna do a number on Forest Gump...sorry...I mean Griffin... grin.gif That dude takes waaayyy to many blows to the head!

I'm surprised that he is even as eloquent as he is, given the beatings he endures to win some of his matches...lose some of em to! At some point, all that thumpin is gonna catch up with him....a head, no matter whose head it is, can only take so much pounding before it starts sending out bogus signals! Rampage in the first round by referee stoppage.

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JL...It was good and bad at the same time...good because the fighters are at the top of their games, bad because they are so good, one little slip on the part of either and the fight is over.

Pulver choked out Swanson in 35 seconds of the first round.

Rhino did in his guy with an arm lock in the first round.

Chael Sonnen was beating the snot out of Philio (I probably have these spellings wrong, but you'll know who I mean) got lax and got caught in an arm lock.

It wasn't a gimme by any means, but Faber showed why he is the champ and gradually unwound Curran, beat him up and tapped him out. If Faber wasn't the champ it would be him, he is really a good fighter....Faber just has his number?

There were some other good under fights on the card also, they had to have something to fill up the time for those quick ones....not a bad night of FREE fights!

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I agree Grebe, was a good night of free fights and when both guys are good it can end quick with a submission. Personally i'd rather see knockouts!

Im glad Pulver choked that guy out, he seemed way to high on himself. Pulver vs Faber could be good. I think Faber has all the skills and that buzzsaw mentality but Pulver is 8-0 in that weight class...

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DC...Faber is something else! If it wasn't for the testing they do, I'd say the dude was steroidal, but he's not, it's just genetics.

He is built in the body kinda like a chimpanze, almost as thick at the waist as he is at the should and with huge lats for his size, lots of power.

He is smart as a fighter and he has alot of tools and the ability to use em all, has the ability to adapt and improvise as the fight prgresses, he showed that last night. He also has thick bone mass to his head and jaw area and a good neck to absorb the impact of a punch...he is gonna be around awhile and I don't believe Little Evil is gonna have a chance against him.

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Are these guys fighting at 145 lbs? I would like to see Huerta or Guida fight them! The smaller weight classes are definately the exciting fights to watch. Not the stall round for round, like Tim Sylvia or Andre Arlovsky.

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Guida and Huerta are lightweights, 155lbs

Pulver is fighting at 145. The UFC does not have a 145lb division. That is why he went to the WEC so he could fight at his natural weight

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OLY...Well now...that explains why they look bigger then, huh? Thanks for clearing that up. I knew Pulver left so he could fight at a better weight, one the UFC didn't have, but I wasn't sure what that weight was?

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