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First Time Poster. Love this site!

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I'm so excited to finally be on here, had a glitch trying to login. My fault, misspelled my own address. Duh.

Last year I really got into Ice fishing, especially when I started going out fishing by myself. I was fishing in my sleep!lol Hubby gave me that fish house for Valentines Day,(he's got a new one that cranks up and down) last summer I painted mine and re-caulked the seams, redid around the doorway and rearranged the way I wanted it. He bought me a new heater for Christmas, we installed it last Sunday, I'm all set to go and then we get dumped on with snow, now it's going to take longer to get out on the ice, I wish we could of had a few more days with out the snow. I'm not one to stand out on the ice, can't take the cold or the wind.

We have a camper in Millie Lac's area but I saw pictures of what the wind did to that lake! Whoa, it's going to be rough going to get out there and fish. Hubby was thinking of taking his new house there this year. I think he better not with that mess.

Glad to finally be on the board, looking forward to talking to everyone and reading the posts. Diana

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Hi Diana! Sounds like you're all dressed up with no to place to go! Ok I'll stop talking in exclamation points now! I really like to icefish too. I fish out of an older fish trap. I really like feeling like I'm in my own little peaceful bubble out there on the ice. I think that's what every woman needs in our super busy lives right? Welcome to FM-we have a lot of fun here! cool.gif

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Welcome Diane - yes this whole forum is addicting tongue.gif The people are great and the ideas and advice are priceless. I'm looking forward to my first FM get together this weekend up at Fish lake, ( check the BWCA/Ely forum) can't wait to put faces with names!!!

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Lisa - to bad about not being able to make this weekend, frown.gif would have loved to have seen the new outfit ( AA ) wink.gif. Yes I am planning on being at BBash, actully can't wait. I'm real excited about going for the lakers laugh.gif. Hoping to make an extra long weekend of it, and hit some other lakes in the area. Might be asking you and Kallista ( and anyone else that will give info tongue.gif )about the lakes up there.


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I did actually have my man take pics last night of me in my Arctic Armor but like I said before, I just looked like this little white head sticking out of all this camo! It did not do the suit justice! Please post when you get back from the Fish Lake event how everything went ok? I'd love to hear about it.

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We are still getting dumped on with the snow here. Another 6" at least, last Saturday and Sunday we got around 9". Dang, this is totally messing with my plans of ice fishing. I keep going out to my fish house and tweaking little things. I was out driving in this white stuff today, what a mess, it's really slippery. We do have a portable ice house, just may have to brave it, not into that type of fishing, I really like my luxuries. Got spoiled last year. lol. It can quit snowing anytime as far as I'm concerned.

Thanks for all the welcomes to the site, love reading that someone is out on the ice even if I can't be. tongue.gif

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Lisa - anyone - how do you get a picture under the name. I've read the FQA and still can't figure it out. Please explain it to me like i'm a 3 yr old smirk.gif . blush.gif And don't tell my Web Site Development teacher that I can't figure this out blush.gif



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I only know how to do it with Photobucket so you will have to start a free account with them.You will then need to upload your pictures by selecting the browse and go to the folder on your computer were the pictures are located and select the one you want.You will then select open and then you will get to select another or choose to upload. Once uploaded you will want to edit the picture and and go to resize and choose avatar.Now you can to My Home at the top and go to edit my profile and change your avatar. You will have to copy and paste the direct link of the picture you changed to your avatar. Hope this helps and if you have any more questions please ask.

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Hey Tami-I wouldn't know what it feels like to hold an opener walleye in my hand because I don't have a spot in the boat! It's usually filled with a brother in law (only men are at the cabin on opener weekend tongue.gif)

OK I'll stop being such a snot since I get to fish the next weekend anyway! crazy.gifgrin.gif

Great looking fish though! How exciting. How many inches or lbs?

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everything I caught that day was in the slot - I brought nothing home frown.gif don't remember for sure about this one but they where all 22" to 24" . My fishing buddy has the boat. Him and I launched at 3 in the morning and where out till 6 that night, I had water legs the whole next day crazy.gif Now that I know how to do pics I'll try to post a few more of that day.

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We've gotten a ton of snow and more is suppose to be coming! So far we are around 15" of the white stuff. Yesterday I bought some stuff to keep my dog warm in the back of my van so....maybe....if I talk real nice, bat my eyelashes at the hubby, he will drill me a couple of holes and set up his portable fish house with the sunflower heater in it. Our lakes here are pretty slushy on a decent day, the only good part has been when it isn't snow it gets really cold. I know were at least making ice slowly. There is a decent smaller lake not too far from the one we usually go to. I'm hoping to get out there. I bought a couple of chairs that have a built in backpack on them, and they recline and have a cup holder. I figured it would be easy enough to haul out for a few a couple of hours of fishing. This is the earliest we have had this cold of weather in a very long time. Actually I don't remember it being this cold this early.

Yesterday after work I went out to my fish house and fixed the foot part of the recliner, I'm going to put up a panel with foam backing as additional insulation for where the dog is going to lay. I took down the curtain over the door area and washed it, it's been hanging up drying all night, it smells a ton better and it cleaned up great. I sure wish the house could go out, but I don't want it out there if it's not safe. Plus I think when the ice is thick enough it's going to be really rough going to even get it out there. Good thing hubby has a plow, maybe a bunch of people would be willing to shovel and plow just to have an area to fish. I'm so biting at the bit to get some fishing in, it's hard to look outside and see the house still sitting in the yard, also I drive by the lake every day and see the portables out there. Enough whining I guess.....I'm sure everyone is in the waiting mode. Diana

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I am totally in the same boat as you Diana. We're really wanting to get out and fish but Mother Nature has a different plan. With the ice not being that thick of course we're walking out but with a foot of snow on the ice, it makes it super difficult to pull the portables. I think we'll wait another week and then hopefully with the below zero nights we've been having MAYBE we'll have made some ice to take out the snowmobile or 4 wheeler! I know my husband wants to get out as bad as I have. I just hope we can go soon-with our anticipation we've been buying way too much tackle and stuff-it's time to fish!! grin.gifcool.gif

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Lisa, I guess the lake still has floating ice, it's a real mess just trying to drill the holes, not too sure what the conditions are after this major freezing weather this last weekend. Hubby saw a house out by where we had mine last year, he wasn't too sure if it was a portable or a big house, also didn't know if someone used a 4wheeler to get it out there or if they pulled it. It sure would be a mess if the house froze into the ice, last year we put it up on some blocks but I can't see blocking it up even more than what we had it at last year. Were suppose to have a warm front moving in on Wed., Tues. evening fishing would be really great I'm guessing. Wish to heck I could get out there.... Might just have to take a portable. Hope it isn't too windy, plus I have to get the hubby to make me some holes too. It's hard to believe that ice fishing usually doesn't start this early any other year, coz it's driving me batty knowing there is walkable ice and I'm not on it! Diana

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Wow - for once the fishing is better in the southern part of the state laugh.gifconfused.gif - Was able to get out a bit on Sun ( after doing WAY to much homework !!! )Headed down about an hr south of the cities. Found mostly 5 - 10 inches of good ice ( a couple of scary spots at 2 - 3 ) Lots of portables, a few perms, some wheelers and even a few trucks ( dumb a$$es ) Fishing was slow iced 2 walleyes, and lost a couple.

Was able to use my wheeler on 2 of the 3 lakes we tried.

Was great to get out !!!!

Happy fishing northern ladies - I do hope to get up there in the near future, see what you can do about getting some good ice though - OK wink.gifwink.gifgrin.gif

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Alright Tami!! I'm so jealous! But my time will come..... grin.gif See you at Burntside Jan. 26th?!

Diana and I have similiar problems right now. I think we're just all going to have to take a trip up to LOW gals!! Have you been reading that forum? Seems like they'll be driving out this coming weekend. Not much snow and lots of ice.

I have not fished yet. We have snowmobile issues that will hopefully be fixed this weekend. I think if we use the four wheeler out there right now, it'll get stuck in the slush.

Thanks for the reports too-I'll post mine when I finally get out there. confused.gifgrin.gifDang snow! mad.gif

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I felt so bad reading about the Fish Lake guys this past weekend with all the slush issues. I wish we could take you up on that deal but the snowmobile issue is top priority right now. You and Mrs. Boilerguy should come up to Deer River and we'll cheer you and Mr. LisaTealz on while you guys wrench on that snowmobile. JUST KIDDING!! grin.gifgrin.gif

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