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Man thats a great goal in life! How many posts can I get in there? Eventually your posts will be overlooked.

what the #%#^#@!#@!!man!

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Alright, I'll take all the blame for turning this forum in the wrong direction, but it is sort of funny how you can tell what generation people are from by the Poster they nominated. My second nomination for favorite poster would be the KISS Destroyer Poster.

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Ok, Ok, at popular request, and.....ESPECIALLY for widetrack, which was so excited he clicked twice and doubled vote (legal in Forida count), here's a picture of me and my friends on a hunting trip:

I migh get in trouble with Rick for this, but he's up to LOW, so I'm safe for few days !!! grin.gifgrin.gif

[This message has been edited by Valv (edited 01-10-2003).]

[This message has been edited by Pwaldow123 (edited 01-10-2003).]

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Geesh now I know where my hunting party went. frown.gif They took off on me when I told them we were going icefishing and they could only wear their hunting clothes. grin.gif Can’t figure out why they took off? confused.gif
“FISH” grin.gif
PS. I do have the real tongue.gif pixs with out the black rectangles! grin.gif


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I could really care less about Swimsuit posters unless the gal is holding an 8lb bass as well wink.gif

I have an old outdoor life metal "sign" tacked up in my room. It has art of an angler reeling in a big rainbow trout. if you can consider that a poster, then that would be it for right now, atleast untill I have the $ to buy some really nice Freshwater Gamefish art. wink.gif

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