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walleye for sale???


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I would never pay for anything I can get for free... In fact, when I have make a fresh walleye for friends I always let them know they would pay $17.95 at a restaurant for it!!!

I usually say the same thing and my wife is quick to respond with "free??"

No kidding. Free?

Well technically almost free, but when considering all the costs involved, it's spendy. But that's not why we fish.

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I would never pay for anything I can get for free... In fact, when I have make a fresh walleye for friends I always let them know they would pay $17.95 at a restaurant for it!!!

Well, you can probably start kissing those fair market prices goodbye, for 2 years now walleye has been on the rise in price as different sizes of walleye supplies are dwindling. It is getting to the point on our menu's for us to start looking at other options for regional seafood. Example per pound:

Canadian Walleye $8

Alaskan Halibut $10+

Atlantic Salmon $4

Sockeye Salmon $7

Grouper $7

With walleye pricing this high in the marketplace right now and typically the highest selling seafood on any menu in northern MN it's making it really tough to keep it on the menu without pricing it in the over $20 area and out of range of alot of consumers. Forcasts for walleye keep it on the rise as supplies dwindle down especially in the smaller sizes.

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I was in Walker a number of years ago, my girlfriend and I ordered Walleye, shortly thereafter a tall native american walked through, past us with a bag of filets. We were served what I am positive were those Walleyes shortly afterwards. I commented the waitress how good it was to have fresh Walleye, she then told me "Oh No, your fish was from Canada, we can't legally sell fish caught in Minnesota" Bull, that was fresh. I didn't have a problem with it but wonder where these fish go if they can't legally sell them here. Whats the dif? It's better than them putting them in dumpsters like the Chippawa Flowage indian's did years ago to just prove a point. We are the ones stuck with the laws, we should be able to benifit from them. smirk.gif OK. flame me. wink.gif

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I heard that China was a new market for walleyes...anyone know anything about that? If you're gonna eat raw fish, can't it be something else besides our jewel (or do only the Japanese eat it raw?) On another note, I NEVER order walleye in a restaurant...is that weird? I like to cook my own or let a friend do it. Kabetogama walleye was on our menu tonight. Darn yummy! smile.gif


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I am pretty sure that the sale of Minnesota Walleye is forbidden due to a treaty signed with the Native Americans. This treaty means that Native Americans nor anyone else can sell Minnesota caught Walleye in Minnesota.

Also the fish from Europe is called Zander.

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