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Halo 3


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I heard they posted copies online somewhere, but you need a modified 360 to play it.

I wont be there at midnight either, but I'll be stopping at Best Buy after work on Tuesday! I dont even think I'll play the 1 player, probably just multiplayer online.

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Hate to say it, but I'm not blown away by any means. I was hoping for some improvements in graphics and gameplay, but from the limited gameplay I've done tonight, it's not much different than 2.

I sure wish a game would come along like the original Ghost Recon. smirk.gif

Perhaps Call of Duty 4 is it.....

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Dtro, I agree. I played for a couple of hours online. Not as much difference as I was hoping for, but I'm still pleased. I stopped playing Halo 2 because I just got tired of it.

. Did see some very cool kills, new weapons are slick too. Now to figure out how to use them

Anyone looking for Halo 3 player - my gamertag is

B i g b a r t g u y. For some reason this site wont let me type it in w/o spaces? anyway..let me know youre from FM otherwise I usually decline invites.

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Yeah, I've heard mixed reviews of it. Same as Halo 2, still a short game (heard a group of 4 beat it in multi-coop in less than 4 hours), no big improvement for graphics, etc.

If I had a 360, I'd probably be tempted to get it since I've beaten the first two versions.

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I was going to ask the same question about how it works or what you can do when playing online. I have the 360 but don't have it online. Do you have to use the microphone/headset or can you just jump in and play? What can you do online with Halo, COD, etc? I understand that you can play against each other in sports related games, but wasn't clear on the 'shooter' games.

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XBox online, or XBox "Live" is where it's at.

You don't need a microphone to play, but I would highly recommend it. It costs approx 60 a year for the service, and you need high speed internet access to play.

It's not only the gaming though, you can download free playable demos, HD movies, videos, etc.

Basically the online gaming is anywhere from 8-16 people. Usually set up as one team against the other. That is where the microphone/headset comes in handy (the microphone/headset comes with the service starter pack).

Online gaming is all about communication during team games. There are also "sharpshooter" formats where you are on your own.

I think the greatest part is the friends list. I find people I want to play with, add them to my friends list, then you don't have to listen to screaming kids in your ear all night.

Any other questions, let me know, I was a beta tester when XBox live first came out like 7 yrs ago or something like that.

That bug sure fooled a few people grin.gif

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Another question for ya DTRO or anyone else, what is the difference in the XBox 360's? I looked online at them and they have different prices, the xbox 360 elite console is 450, the xbox 360 core system is 280, the xbox 360 console system is 350. Just wondering if it is a difference in the actual Xbox 360 itself? I looked at them and it doesn't look like there is a lot of different stuff as far as extras included between them confused.gif

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The biggest difference is the harddrive. The elite has a huge harddrive for storing all you music, movies, downloads. I would get the middle system, premium I think it is. The core doesn't have a harddrive, or a very little one if it does.

Also another difference of the elite is that I think it has a HDMI output on it for HD digital connections.

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The middle-priced XBOX, or "Premium" version, now has HDMI as well. These just recently came out (last month) and I found one at Target shortly after they started to leak out to the market. They were a little hard to find at that time and you have to look at the label on the box to make sure you're getting one with HDMI because other than that the box is identical to the previous Premiums.

The other difference is that these HDMI equipped models have an improved heat sink to help combat the problems the XBOX 360 is known for. As said earlier, the Elite has the bigger hard drive and there were quite a few people on XBOX forums debating if it really is worth buying an Elite now that the Premium has the HDMI output. It really depends on how much the larger HD means to your individual use.

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Any other questions, let me know, I was a beta tester when XBox live first came out like 7 yrs ago or something like that.

Wow, how do you get a job like that grin.gif

Pretty amazing phenomenon, Halo 3....Largest release in entertainment history. Like $126 million in sales the opening day, bigger than any film, album, you name it. Lots of hype and preorders.

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I have the gold. There used to be only one level, but then they split it up so that users that didn't want to play online, could get a lower tier that allowed them to download demos and movies.

If you want to "play" online, you need the gold.

Halo3 comes with a free 48hour gold trial. I'd be happy to give you the code so that you could try it out cool.gif

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Xbox live is the only way to go. It's like having 3 of your buddies sitting right next to you & playing alongside of you. My bro-in-law and I play together pretty often. Alot easier than me driving to Otsego to play!

I think the $60 per year is a steal, especially compared to other entertainment costs. They could probably charge $100 and still have as many people paying.

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Good point. One thing I forgot to mention is that a lot of the games now have multiplayer CO-OP. Meaning that it's the same as having someone sit right next to you and play the campaign together (two players or even sometimes more). Gears Of War did this very well. I could be playing solo, but have my settings so that someone could jump in (from Live) at any time. So I'd be playing and all the sudden I see another guy helping me out and then hearing in my headphones, "hey, how's it going, let's kick some a$$"

One of the coolest gaming experiences was playing one of the war games, I think it was Ghost Recon, with 16 people CO-OP and there was a map that it was an all out assault from the enemy. We were all holed up in a trench and it was non-stop gunfire, bomb drops, grenades, mortars, bodies flying, people yelling, the screen is shaking, the surround sound booming (I had it cranked), for probably 10 minutes straight. After it was over, there were about 3 or 4 guys left that hadn't died, and we literally had to take a deep breath and say, "wow".

Now this isn't typical, I have a guy on my friends list that has a T1 connection so we were able to hold 16 people. But everything came together, and it was a total blast.

Sorry, guess I'm little geeky when it comes to this stuff.

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