While sitting stationary with a clear sky view, I'm seeing position errors float from 50-600 feet on my unit. Is this the best I can expect from this model? If so I'm disappointed. Cabelas suggested updating the software to v1.6.0 (It's at v1.1.0) and to not tip the unit up on its mount. I don't see either of these as valid fixes. Any one having similar issues? Thanks!
While sitting stationary with a clear sky view, I'm seeing position errors float from 50-600 feet on my unit. Is this the best I can expect from this model? If so I'm disappointed. Cabelas suggested updating the software to v1.6.0 (It's at v1.1.0) and to not tip the unit up on its mount. I don't see either of these as valid fixes. Any one having similar issues? Thanks!
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