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Trimming tree roots?


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I have a few larger Maples in my front yard that have roots growing out of the ground and also in an area that I want to landscape. Can these roots be safely trimmed or shaved so they are below the surface, or removed altogether?

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First of all don't cut them. You will weaken the tree and cause damage to the crown.

Second of all, burying the roots under more dirt will NOT help. Silver Maples like having their roots on the surface to draw oxygen from the air. Its what they do. They will work themselves back up.

They can handle some scalping like lawn more damage, but if you're looking to work up the soil and do major work in the area, you're better off removing the whole tree. No good will come of major work and removal of roots. You will compact the soil and impact the roots too much. Silver Maples are very big weeds, but they are kinda brittle and will break off and fall over if you weaken them too much.

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First of all don't cut them. You will weaken the tree and cause damage to the crown.

Second of all, burying the roots under more dirt will NOT help. Silver Maples like having their roots on the surface to draw oxygen from the air. Its what they do. They will work themselves back up.

They can handle some scalping like lawn more damage, but if you're looking to work up the soil and do major work in the area, you're better off removing the whole tree. No good will come of major work and removal of roots. You will compact the soil and impact the roots too much. Silver Maples are very big weeds, but they are kinda brittle and will break off and fall over if you weaken them too much.

Correct. Work into your landscaping plan to put mulch over the roots, scatter some ornamental plants underneath that like shady areas.

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I totally agree. If you'd like to landscape under the tree there are ways to do it that are less invasive and still get the job done. If you're thinking hardscapes like patio's, pavers or a firepit then its time to make tough decisions on what you want and where you want it.

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Thanks for the info guys. We don't have any major landscaping to do and I think wood chips will be just fine with a nice block border instead of trying to shave them down.

There is one small area we may need to remove a small section of root...but until I dig I wont know for sure. It would only be a root or two at most, but I will try to plan around them if at all possible.

No hardscaping here.

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