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Spraying for thistles, burdocks, nettles......


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Anyone have some suggestions for spraying these annoying weeds? I have five acres to spray, but.... there is an organic farm on one side and the other has "an orchard" on the other. His trees are butted right up to my fenceline. So I'm limited to spot spraying, because mother nature rarely blesses me with the right wind. I was told 2-4-D works well, how much should a guy use in a 2 gal sprayer?

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Don't use roundup it will kill the weed and everything else along with it. In a 2gal sprayer you need 1oz of 2-4-D if you do decide to use roundup it's 6oz unless you get the super concentrate.

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I don't want to kill everything, I married a woman who loves horses...so I don't want to be buying hay all summer. grin.gif What brand of 2-4-D should I get? I've seen 400LV, Amine, etc. How long does it stay on the plant to where the horses can't eat it?

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Sparce, i guess I'm not sure how it would work on the buckthorn. But on the thistle it will work great. To the other post I would go with the 400. Diamond has been treating me good. Lots of little ones though. If 2-4-d doesn;t work on the buckthorn use round up but wear some rubber gloves and spray them and just touch the buckthorn with them. That way you won't kill anything else.

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2-4D will kink those thistles, but they will not die. Banvel would burn them down, but won't kill the root. The only chemicals that will kill them entirely are Stinger or a heavy dose of Roundup. The Stinger wouldn't harm your grass. The roundup would.

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I wouldn't use Roundup or anything that kills all the plants.

I have same problem and I use Weed-Be-Gone, it kills weeds and lets grass grow which in time will overcome the weeds.

My land borders a pasture with electric fence which was constantly sprayed with Roundup to avoid weeds to grow and short the wires. I began trying to keep grass only growing, and now I almost won the whole battle.

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2-4-D will knock out many broadleaf plants, but it doesn't kill the colony of thistles. Yes it appears to dry them up but the next year they will more then likely be back. To knock out thistle good you need to gear up some. Stinger or Transline is the chemical of choice for thistles. Be warned that it is expensive.

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I've never heard of Stinger and I have been looking for something to rid myself of a pretty heavy thistle infestation in some of my landscaping - where can you get it? Tried Round-Up and must not have mixed it strong enough because a new crop came up. Aren't thistles networked with each other feeding off a main stem or something? Does Stinger kill the "system" or just the plant it is sprayed on?


Daze Off

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Curtail is a 2,4-D & Stinger mix. Cheapest way to buy stinger that I have found. It works. Might need a pesticide permit to buy. I do in Iowa. Find a farmer friend to buy some. Takes care of thistles and other broad leaf weeds. jps

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Hi guys...I'm reading your posts as I look out the window and see thousands of thistle seeds being blown onto my lawn from the neighbor's. He's got three HUGE patches of thistle that he let go to seed and now it's blowing all over again. I talked to him on Sat and he claims he didn't know it needed to be controlled. Errrr!! mad.gif

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Two times now I've double dosed with 2-4-D and 2 times its had little or no effect,the ROUNDUP kills everythins it touches but I'll becarefull and use it IT WORKS!! The stuff for vines and poison Ivy!! smirk.gif

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Don't use roundup it will kill the weed and everything else along with it. In a 2gal sprayer you need 1oz of 2-4-D if you do decide to use roundup it's 6oz unless you get the super concentrate.

OK slot comon over with your 2-4-D. today I'm from Misourri! The (SHOW ME STATE) tongue.gif

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