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Legal to hook live decoy this year

spear foot 1

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Bringing this post to the top in hopes of getting some clarity on this new law. I have a few questions, in addition to the question already asked concerning the use of hooks.

I typically spear with two lines down, one decoy and one live sucker. Is this considered two lines?

I have one spear, and I'm the only licensed spearer in the house. Is this acceptable? Can a nonresisdent angler be in the house with me?

Prior to this new law, you could not have a spear in an angling house. Now, I'm assuming I can store my spear in the fish house. If I'm the only licensed spearer in the house, and others are angling, do I need to remove the spear from the house if I temporarily leave to run to the store?

Some clarity on this new law sure would be nice.


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My understanding of the change is You can angle out of a dark house with one line ,,but You can NOT have a spear in the house while angling with a hook and line ,,its up to every ones interpretation tho,,If You are going to error ,,,error on the side of caution


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From what our C.O. said was that a spear is one line, and a you can either have a jiggle stick for a second line,or a tip up, or a live decoy with a hook. Your fake decoys are not considered a line as long as there is no hook on it. So if you use a live decoy with a harness and no hook it's not considered a line. And he also said it all depends on how you interpet the law being its written poorly. He basically told us what he is going to allow and not allow. He also said that oter wardens in other areas might have diifferent Ideas so basically check with your c.o. where ever you plan on spearing.

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I just received some clarity on this new regulation from Kevin Kyle, MN DNR. Copied below is my email to the DNR with Kevin's response in quotations.

Many people, myself included, are confused by the new regulation that

allows a person spearing northern pike to also angle in the house. The

following is the clause in question from page 58 of the 2006 fishing

regulation booklet:

A person may take fish by angling in a dark house if only one angling

line is in use and any fish caught is either immediately released or

placed on the ice.

Therefore, the following questions:

1. If I am a licensed spearer, and I'm spearing in my darkhouse, can

a licensed angler fish two lines in my house with me?

"Yes they can. Each person may use one angling line while spearing.

If two people are in a house and only one of them is spearing, the

person spearing may use one angling line, and the person not spearing

may use two angling lines."

2. While spearing in my darkhouse, do all others in the darkhouse

need to have in their possession a valid spear license?

"Anyone spearing needs an angling and a spearing license, if only

angling, only an angling license."

3. My understanding is the spear itself is considered one line.

Therefore, is it OK to have one decoy down the hole and one sucker

minnow on a harness too? Can the sucker minnow be attached via a hook

and not a harness?

"If the sucker has a hook it is considered your angling line, if it

is in a harness it is not."

4. While angling in my house and not spearing, can I now store the

spear in the house too or do I need to put it in the truck as in past

years? Would having the spear in the house, stored on the wall and not

in use, be considered "one line". For instance, I'm angling with another

person and we have 4 lines down and my spear is stored on the wall in my

shack. This OK?)

"It is permissible to have additional spears and angling equipment in

possession that is not in use."

Well, I printed a copy of his email and put it in my house, just in case there is a different interpretation by another CO.


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