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If I have permission from land owner to hunt deer on private land can I use my ATV anytime?

I copy and pasted this from page 27 of DNR hunting regulations.

Firearms deer hunting.

Off-Highway Vehicles Regulations

To reduce disturbance during prime hunting hours, a person

possessing a valid deer license may operate an off-highway

vehicle during the firearms deer season only:

•before legal shooting hours (one-half hour before sunrise)

•from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m.

•after legal shooting hours (one-half hour after sunset).

This regulation applies to all public and private lands.

Landowners, or persons with permission of the private

landowner, may operate all-terrain vehicles on their property

any time during the firearms deer season.

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I would say as long as you have permission from the landowner to run it during the day. Might be a safe thing to ask him even though you have permission to hunt you just want to make sure it is alright with him if you run your wheeler.

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I was reading the same thing yesterday (being a new atv owner since last week) grin.gifand was wondering the same thing. Then some thing caught my eye, it says a person with a valid deer hunting license can only operate the atv during those times.

Someone straighten me out, if I am wrong.


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In previous years, if you had a valid deer license, you couldn't even ride on your private property except for the designated times. Many private property owners spoke up since, why did they have to wait to haul a deer back, on their own property. So, the regulation was changed. On public land, you can only use your ATV during the times noted.

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I played it safe and called a Conservation Officer to get a permit for my dad (bad hips)to operate an ATV for anytime during the legal firearms deer season. Then our bases are covered. Either way, it does appear by the new regulations that it would be legal with landowner permission.

I would still play it safe and call the DNR or the Conservation Officer for your area to make absolute certain that you would be ok to operate the ATV.

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Good advise, LEP.

Expanding a little bit more about the previous years, even without a firearm on the machine, a person with a valid deer license could not ride on private property, for any reason, outside of the restricted time periods.

So, using the ATV to haul firewood only, would be illegal if used at the wrong time of day.

Maybe they should've worded this new regulation a bit more clearly.

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Looking at the OHV regulations for 2005-2006 it stated…

Use of an ATV and other off-road vehicles by licensed deer hunters, without firearms, is allowed on their private property for occupational purposes. This use also applies to employees and family members who have a valid deer license.

This regulation sounded like, you can use your ATV any time during the day on private property (hauling wood, checking crops, etc etc), even if you have a valid deer license BUT, you’re couldn't use it if carrying a firearm on the machine.

I didn’t see the wording “without a firearm” in the 2006-2007 OHV regulations, pertaining to this issue so, maybe they dropped that wording from last year, in order for hunters to use ATVs at any time on their own property.

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One step further, what if you don't have a deer hunting license, and are on private property? I got into an argument with a co-worker over this. The way I read it, is if someone doesn't have a deer hunting license, they can drive around all day long? Is that correct, or am I misreading something?

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Reply from DNR is below. grin.gif

If you have permission from the landowner, you can operate the ATV any

hours during the deer season on private land. Public land you can not,

but private property with permission you can.

Again, this is from the DNR.

Good Luck...

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