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Stay Off Hunter Walking Trails


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Okay fella's, let's do our part and stay of prohibited trails.

Hunter walking trails not open to ATV use (2006-09-26)

Media contact: Penny Backman, DNR assistant area wildlife manager, Orr, (218) 757-3274.

Hunter walking trails give hunters and hikers an opportunity to enjoy their sport without being interrupted by motorized vehicles. These non-motorized trails are well marked and popular during upland bird hunting seasons.

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) maintains the hunter walking trails that are on state land. On some trails, a few ATV riders have ignored the signs prohibiting motorized use. This has led to the DNR installing gates, berms or rocks to discourage the illegal use of these trails. Unfortunately, some riders go around the barricades to use the trails.

The DNR has also increased enforcement on these trails. People should report violations (with a description of the vehicle or license number) to their local DNR conservation officer. People can also report violations by calling the Turn In Poachers Hotline at 1-800-652-9093.

“Your attitude toward your surroundings and your behavior as a rider affect the attitudes of other outdoor users, landowners and lawmakers,” said Penny Backman, DNR assistant area wildlife manager. “If you tread lightly on the environment, are courteous to others, respect private property and obey the law (such as staying off of non-motorized trails), you are contributing to the positive image of recreational motor vehicle activities.”

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According to the DNR regs....

Atv's must display current reg number and decals on a plate clearly visible on the back of the vehicle. The plate must be at least 4 inches high and 7 1/2 inches lond. Registration numbers and letters must be at least 1 1/12 inches high with a 3/16 inch stroke. In English from left to right. In a color that contrasts with the background. Depending on how you use your atv depends on where the sticker goes. I paraphrased a little but it is right out fo the reg book. You can find ATV plate kits, or some places will make them for you also. Hope this helps.

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TIP is the Turn-In-Poachers hotline and should be used for just that. If there are ATV's on closed trails, report this to your local Conservation Officer (they're dispatched through the State Patrol)so they can monitor the area for the activity. The more information you can provide, the better.

If you need immediate assistance, you can contact the local sheriff's dept.

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I've heard many times to call TIP on any outdoor related violation. Not true for the ATVs huh confused.gif since they just relay the info to the correct CO. Me bad.

Should everyone just program the State Highway Patrol on cell phones too? (Incase trouble is spotted and you don't have any sheriff or CO phone numbers)

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I called the TIP line last year in regards to some deer carcasses left in a field infront of my house and they told me that the TIP line was for "poaching in process" and referred me to the local CO anyhow.

It wouldn't hurt to have the state patrol programmed in for those who would have cell service in that area. 911 would work as well. But depending on which branch of law enforcement you get, State Patrol or Sheriff's Dept., they still would have to contact the local CO. I think the any law enforcement agency can report to the area, usually the Sheriff's Deputy.

Unfortunately the funding in the DNR is short and CO's are still strung few and far between, so they might not be able to immediately respond to any calls.

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This is the 2nd report I've made regarding the same issue on the same section of trail. The first went straight to the CO, I tried the TIP online form this time. I put the CO's number in my cell now, but I don't get good coverage that far out in the sticks.

thanks again for your help. I appreciate the concern you guys show for abiding by the rules.

We definitely need more funding for enforcement - the sheer number and types of violations I see in Cuffs & Collars makes me sick.

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