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4hp motor problems (Lots of questions)



Hi. My Dad and I are not new to boating, but we are to outboards. Yesterday we launched our small fishing boat and had some troubles with our 1997 mercury 4 horse. It started, but at first only for maybe ten seconds. We think it may be the fuel line, because the bulb never hardened after squeezing it a bunch. But my Dad went to a gas station and brought back some fuel to put into the small tank that the motor has in it. It still didnt last much longer after that, which then made us think that it might not be the fuel line since it could have still gotten fuel from the small tank it had. Even if it did start to sound good when we closed the choke, it quit immediately. So my questions are....

1. What do you think might be the problem?

2. how can it be fixed?

3. Do you open the choke before or after you prime? (We tried both)

4. What do you think the oil fuel ratio is? The main gas tank already had the correct ratio because the gas in it was in there before we bought it of course from when the prevoius owner used it. We used 50: 1 in the small tank.

5. There is a little switch on the right side that has a fuel pump symbol as one option, and a fuel pump symbol with

a red circle and slash down the middle (like a no smoking sign but with a pump). It leaked gas in drips when it was in the regular fuel pump position. What is it for?

Thank you for any help. I am suffering fishing deprivation so quick answers are appreciated crazy.giffrown.gif

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I have two gas tanks. A six gallon one and one that is actually under the "hood" next to the motor. I filled the one under the hood. So there was no gas added to the 6 gallon one, which is the one that has the fuel line and bulb. So no it did not get hard.

I am not sure but I would assume that the engine was used last year. 90% sure about that. I also think it might be the carb since it quit after closing the choke. Though the bulb should still get hard so its hard to say. Has anyone heard of the fuel lines getting clogged before?

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Well im 95% sure I just figured out the problem, and it should be an easy fix. I opened up the tank/hose attatchment. There was no straw/tube that extends into the tank from the part where the fuel line and gas tank meet. So when we squeezed it sucked in air and not gas. Now I just need to get that part. Does that make sense even though the small tank was full? Also , I still would like to know the answeres to the choke and fuel pump symbol questions. Im glad I did this because not only did I find out the probable solution, I found out that there was a fuel guage as well, since before the glass cricle was covered up with some black grime. So now I am pretty happy. grin.gif

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Thanks Surface tention. I found the tube in the tank and cut off the corroded area and reatatched it an now the bulb fills up cool.gif

"The valve your asking about is probably to switch from internal to external gas tanks."

Do you know why it would leak though, when it was switched to the regular fuel pump symbol? I suppose I can switch it to that again and see whre the leak is from, so I can possibly judge why it is doing that. smirk.gif

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I wasnt able to get it to start at the lake, byt later in the day I got it to work at home. (Turned it off quickly sence its water cooled) But now I wont be able to use it for a week because my parents will be gone mad.gif

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I primed it pulled the choke out and pulled the cord. The wierd thing with the motor is the gear lever. It says foward neutral and reverse, but when you move it, it only feals like there are two positions it will go in. And when I opened up the housing when I got back, I saw that that was the case. So I put it into forward, then started to put it into reverse, but right before the gear actually moved, I stopped. That is the position that it started in, so I assume that is the neutral position smirk.gifconfused.gif

I can take a picture if that will help. Aslo that means that the motor actually allows you to start when it is in the reverse position. confused.gif unless there simply isnt a reverse on it, even though it says there is. Does that make sense in any way?

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Without the motor running the gears may not line up on their own to slide into reverse and forward. I would put it in what you think is neutral and then go and try to spin the prop by hand, if it does, you are in neutral. I would say your starting procedure is good. Did you pull the heck out of it? Could you have possibley flooded the motor out? I have done that, after I let it sit for 5 minutes it poped right off. Sorry i can't be of more help...

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First off I would get rid of any old fuel from previous owner and get all of it out. If the fuel hose is hard get a new hose. As it most likely would be bad. A carb job probably is in order. Should be simple on that motor since there is only one carb. Easiest would be to drop the carb bowl and clean it out and check for sediment if there isn't any there then you probably won't need to do to much with the carbs but I would shoot some carb cleaner in it and clean it up a little. Also put a new spark plug into the motor it is a very cheap and good thing to do if the motor hasn't been ran for a while. Also you need to be in neutral to start it will not start in gear. There isn't any kind of kill switch on the end of the throttle handle that you would be missing a kill switch laynard from would you? Why your fuel shut off swith leaks is beyond me other that sometimes the o rings in those things where out but why it does it in one position and not the other I am not sure. Once you do get it running there are a couple things I would do first I would get a can of sea foam and put it in the fuel tank this is the best mechnic in a can stuff I have found. Next go to a marine dealer that sells Johnson and Evinrude stuff and get a can of their engine tune. This stuff you spray into the carbs of a running engine and it helps clean the system up. You spray it in and let it set overnight and then run it again the next day and you will be amazed at all the carbon and dirt and junk that comes out of the motor. This stuff will work in any carb engine and is good stuff. Good luck with figuring out what wrong with it.

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I think the fuel is fine. I am pretty sure it is from this year and is still good. The fuel hose is good. I dont think I am going to mess with the carb as they are pretty delicate, and I don't want to mess with it, since the engine ran the other day. The spark plug is fine since it works. There is a kill switch but thats not a problem. Everything with that is attatched. And as I may have said before the fuel shut off leaks because the internal tank is not connected to the carb, so when I turn it to the open position it has no where to go but tho leak out of the housing. I might get some saefoam though. Whats it do? Clean the engine internally?

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Sea foam is cleans a motors carb and fuel system. It also acts like a fuel stabilizer which is very important these days with fuel as it is. If you can get the motor started you will know what kind of shape the carb is in. If it boggs out probably has junk in the carb. I didn't realize you had it running the other day. So that is a good sign. You might have had it flooded then. Check the gear shift though make sure you are in neutal that is probably your problem. I did the same thing myself the other day with my old 9.5hp ooo.gif.

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"Check the gear shift though make sure you are in neutal that is probably your problem. I did the same thing myself the other day with my old 9.5hp ."

I think that may have been the problem, or it was flooded.

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Well I took it out yesterday with my mom, and it didnt start at first, but my Mom said try putting the choke in, but I didn't listen right away, because I figured that would make it even harder to start. I finally listened to her, and put the choke in. It started on the second pull with it in blush.gif. Once I got used to operating it, it ran really smooth cool.gif We hit around ten mph, maybe a little faster shocked.gif Thats with two people, this thing will be great for when its just me. I know its pretty slow compared to everyone elses rigs, but hey it gets me around the lake, and a lot faster than trolling speed cool.gif thanks for all of the help. smile.gif

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