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I'm looking at buying a Honda Rubicon.Any pros or cons?I like the fact you can use auto or electric shift for pulling trailers but majority of time will be spent ice fishing.Are they good cold weather starters?


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The ones I've had experience with need to use the primer for cold weather starts. The primer button is behind a side panel so, that side panel stays off all winter.

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my rubi is a little cold blooded but it only takes 1-3 min in the winter. it has been very good to me. it has over 3000 miles on it and still going strong. once you get it started for the first time out on the ice it will fire up at once if you are bouncing around spot to spot

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I bought a Rubicon this winter, didn't know it had a primer bulb. Where is it located? No wonder it started a bit hard up nort on the trail in January. Thought the choke system stunk, but if it has a primer, that would be why. Mine is a 2004 (was new when I bought it in January)


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